I'm feeling very out of sync with a lot of people right now. And I'm loving every minute of it.
It seems like a lot of people I know are going thru periods of major transition in one form or another. Either growing into new forms, or at least shedding old patterns in their lives.
Myself however, despite the fact that I'm now back in Minneapolis (unemployed and effectively homeless) I feel like I've completed my personal transformations, and that I am coming to Minneapolis a new person.
Now part of me wants to second guess my personal impressions of the week. It was a dark moon time this year at BtW and I know a lot of people who were strongly affected by this energy. I however was fortunate enuf to be going into the gathering having completed several months worth of (essentially) dark moon working. So the darkness brought to me a sense of peace and tranquility.
Since it's been a week now (Is that all?) since the end of BtW, I'm not going to try to summerise the entire week. If you were there no words are necessary, and if you were not no words are sufficient: The weather was (nearly) perfect. The No Talent Show featured some of the best (worst) performances ever. My workshops seemed to be very well received. The Goetia workshop (which I was most nervous about) was the best attended workshop I've ever given, as well as the one I got the most compliments on. Reconnected with all of my old friends. It still amazes me that no matter how deeply you seem to know someone that we always can find a way to deepen our friendships. I also (as always) made a number of new friends, who I hope to see lots and lots more of
"Love is a muscle, not a loaf of bread" (I've heard at least 5 unrelated people say this exact phrase in the last 2 weeks)
After I got back from BtW I had to turn right around and re-pack and finish clearing out my apt. because my brother was coming to pick me up. John arrived about 9pm Monday night, we finished throwing out the last of my stuff that I wasn't taking with me, and headed out for the 6-7hr car ride to his place in Virginia.
I spent the next 3 days just hanging out and visiting with John and his family, including a fair amount of time spent playing games with my nieces (I suspect Erin felt that there was not enough time spent on games).
It had been about 3 years since I'd last seen everyone, and I was amazed at how much Jordan and Erin had grown. I mean I know intellectually that kids grow up, but at the same time it is a dramatic reminder of how time passes.
I did get to do some touristy stuff too. On Wed. John and I went into DC to see some of the sites.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/14021766@N02/sets/72157602132972871/ Friday morning Dawn drove me to the airport, and I was off to Minneapolis.
And that's exactly where I am right now.
Tomorrow I start job hunting. As well as trying to reconnect with my friends here.
So anyone from MPLS who has my number: CALL ME!
And if you don't have my number, email me and I'll give it to you.
And to everybody not living in MPLS, I promise to keep in touch (to the best of my abilities).