Back in the Saddle Again: discussion post

Aug 05, 2009 09:58

jeevesthegeisha, feel free to still post your 2x17 picspam if you are able. :)

2x18, Back in the Saddle Again
Written by Linda Loiselle Guzik
Directed by Kevin Dowling

--> Obviously, this episode is mostly about Richard. Personally, I love getting to focus on an interesting character who is usually in a supporting role. How did you react to Richard's behavior in this episode? How do you feel about him as a character?

--> Related topic: the project! Chilton hilarity is always fun. I love how Madeline, Louise, Paris, Rory, and Brad always seem to end up together. What a great dynamic. Paris and Richard's interactions are also rather amusing, and did anyone not crack up at Richard's reactions to the other girls' ideas?

--> Little plotlines! Sookie and her wedding preparation hysterics. Michel and his mother! Lane and her aptitude for sales. All the little Emily moments (the psychiatrist conversation is a classic). This episode is packed full of opportunities for laughter.

--> And finally, on a more serious note, the Jess/Rory/Dean love triangle. Do you find yourself encouraging her, or thinking, "Rory, nooo!"? Who do you feel bad for in this situation? Dean? Rory? Lorelai?


2x18: back in the saddle again, battle of the episodes, discussion post

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