saturday was joshes with jordan elan jordan and josh, we slept inder the stars... Fourth sucked fucking balls today we had a good band practice, we wrote a new song that sounded like the fucking champs Tonight sent to see spiderman 2 and eat at cheesecake factory with ryan shelbi nadder remy and jacob
last night was all right: Saw Napolean Dynamite for the 3rd time (amazing) weird things happened though and im really confused with myself. starbucks and mels with remy.
major drama with linn/liv (2 different people). Fuck em what ev. Galleria and oranging with jacob and divad. They also slept over we had a slumber party.
ya so yesterday me jake and ethan drove to the middle of fucking no where in long beach and saw wires on fire play in front of 12 people total. My Camera battery so i didnt get any good pictures, o well fuck yeah fest is in like a week or two so ill get some then.