I am le ashamed and I shouldn't be.
I was so tired last night and my accent came out and I hate when it does because people think I'm making it up. I love how I'm irish but sometimes I wish I was just your normal American.
And then I think about it for a second, and take it right back. I just wish people understood where I was coming from. Ireland to me isn't vacation. At all. Having irish parents may be funny to people who look on, but it isn't when you're the adult and you have to tuck them in at the age of 14 bc they are too drunk to know who they are. I'm grateful for everything I know and can handle because of it but I hate stupid american kids who don't understand that the world is a lot harder on some other people than it might be on them. Your life doesn't suck. Neither does mine. Life is amazing and it pisses me off that people go moping around rather than doing something about it. Boo hoo, you have to go through one fucking little mountain, I promise you'll get through it. I promise you'll be fucking fine. I'm fine and you'll be fine. Better than fine. But don't get all sniffly because of things that aren't a life or death situation. Grow up and deal with it. And if you're miserable, its you're fault. You can be happy even if you're surrounded by misery. You say I don't know what i'm talking about? I've been through every range of emotion. I may look 15 and have the mentality of 5 but I am as fucking mature as a 50 year old. Take it from me, your life isn't horrible. Don't take your friends for granted, don't take life for granted, don't take family for granted, don't take who you are for granted, and DON'T YOU FUCKING ACT LIKE YOU'RE BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE. Because you're not. Nobody is better than anyone else because nobody is perfect and therefore we all have a lovely list of flaws. The person who goes to church every week and says a novena for people every night is just as imperfect as the crack dealer thug. it's just what you do with your life that matters. So grow the fuck up and stop putting on this show for everyone. I'm sick of you and you're self righteous little ways. I'm sick of bottling up anger because its "not mature" to have a temper tantrum. I'm tired of people calling me dramatic as if its a bad thing. "oh you're acting" beh beh beh blah blah blah... dude. I don't act in real life. I act on stage. If I do something that's articulate or dramatic in real life that's just me. Get over it. I'm fucking dramatic. I'm extremely dramatic. I cry over spiders, I scream at scary movies, I faint when I'm feeling sickly, I get attached to random squirrels I find on the street dead and have funerals for them, I talk to homeless people, I have a fucking livejournal and I rant about how crappy my day's been. I take everything personally and cry when people aren't happy with me. I'm emotional, demanding, and I have a temper that could rivals Beowulf's and the Incredible Hulk's combined. I'm bratty and cranky at times and need everything to be perfect to the point that it pisses people off. However, if you can't handle the worst of me, you don't deserve the best of me. So fuck off you fuckers. You're not better than me. I'm sick of you always thinking you're better than me. I'm a good person, I'm one fucking good person. Why must you think I put on an accent for attention, or cry because I need to have everyone look at me. Ever think that I just feel these things at a greater strength than you do? Maybe I truly do feel connected with that dead rabbit as if he was family and I need to stop a minute. Or maybe I know something you don't. Maybe I understand what's important in life and you and your stupid petty things don't interest me because I'm too busy making sure that everyone can go to heaven and that I don't ignore that lovely breeze that comes in September when the leaves are starting to fall. You go on in your world talking about people and acting like whether or not they hit a note is a life or death ordeal while I let them hit whatever note they want. I'm not nice to be nice, or to annoy you as you may think. I'm nice because I know what it feels like and I don't forget where I come. Everyone sings that sour note before the good one. Tell them what they are aiming for and help them get it. What if they wanted that sour note. What if they were feeling horrible and angry and helpless and all they could do in order to express that feeling is squak at the end of a song. What if that was cathartic to them? You're going to make fun of them for helping themselves? I'm disgusted with all of you. every last one. There are so many people I want to go up to and just smack and be like you should be happy and grateful I am your friend, not act like it is only my privilege. You fucked up. And most of you hurt me. how dare you after all that tell me that it's my fucking privilege. Whatever happened to loving everyone simply because they were human. You ask why there are bad things in the world, start with yourselves. I'm always the quiet one when it comes to this stuff. I always keep to myself and try to let you learn it by yourself but I'm fucking done. It's obvious you never will. And what's sad is that if I scream at any of you I'm a psycho bitch for doing so. Not one word gets soaked in. There is no fucking point.
I love music. Music is a beautiful beautiful thing. That whole paragraph could be expressed in a clashing hard chord, 2 or 3 minor chord progressions, a disinant chord, and then a full orchestra full major A chord.
I like A chords. They are beautiful.