Oct 12, 2006 01:03
Hello! I'm new here and new-ish to GIMP. I've been playing around with the program (I love it so far!) trying to make some icons and now I have two questions!
1) I'm having trouble with the Script-Fu > Alpha to Logo > Alien Neon effect. I type my text in the FreeType in a separate layer from my background. Then when I go to apply Alien Neon, for some reason it crops my entire image (text layer and background layer) to a teeny-tiny section including just the text and about one of the lines traced around the text... Any idea why it's doing this and/or what I'm doing wrong? It's driving me a bit crazy!
2) I know I have seen a tutorial on some LJ GIMP comm about how to make outlines appear around letters... But for the life of me, I can't find it any place... :/ Does anybody happen to know off-hand which tutorial I'm thinking of?