Title: The Iceman Cometh
Rating: G
Summary: An unexpected reunion and Jack's internal thoughts.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Property of SciFi/SyFy, Andrew Cosby and Jamie Paglia.
Pairing/Characters: Jack Carter, Jim Taggart, Douglas Fargo, implied Jack/Nathan, Henry/Kim
Spoilers: Spoilers for 3x17 - 'Have an Ice Day'
A/N: Written for Week 9 of the Season 3.5 challenge at
eureka_tag, Missing Scene for '3x17 - Have an Ice Day'
A/N #2: Posted Unbetaed.
“The Iceman cometh,” Fargo snerks, and Jack has to resist the urge to smack him upside the head. He doesn’t have the patience to deal with Fargo. Not right now.
Not to mention it’s probably not such a good idea to piss off a Russian diplomat by making fun of him. The last thing they need is another international incident caused by Fargo- the Japanese are still upset about the last one, and GD usually has a fairly good relationship with them. Jack’s had enough of dealing with the equivalent of the Japanese FBI for more than one lifetime.
Whoever the Russians sent, he looks like a yeti, tall and foreboding as he approaches from the far reaches of the giant freezer. A mountain covered in animal furs, the man lumbers slowly but smoothly toward them. He hears Fargo make a tiny strangled noise, and a tiny part of him agrees until he stomps it down.
He steels himself for some crazy bearded muscle man, dark Slavic features and an indistinguishable accent. The man looks up at them and Jack can’t believe his eyes.
“G’day,” Taggart chirps, grinning, and Jack’s heart stops momentarily.
Standing right there in front of them, almost like he appeared out of thin air, a ghost returning from the mist. Jack can’t believe he’s even real.
Despite everything-escaped smart mice, leftover paintball traps, stray tranquilizer darts- he found himself noticing Taggart’s absence more and more as time went on. Taggart may have created chaos in his wake, but the problems were simple, fixable. And he was an honest, kind guy even if he was a bit crazy. Taggart was always willing to lend a hand whenever possible, becoming an emergency deputy more than once and after he had left things around town just seemed too quiet.
Taggart lumbers over and envelops him tightly in a bear hug-warm, furry and a gesture so very Taggart that something in his chest tightens. Taggart squishing him like a teddy bear doesn’t help either, but he can’t bring himself to care right then.
He’s alive. Another one of the ranks of far too many in his life that he’d written off as dead was back here in front of them, alive and breathing with his usual unstoppable smile on his face. He can’t wrap his brain around it.
First Kim, now Taggart back from the dead. If them, why not Nathan?
Other people got their miracles, why not him? Even though Henry had to lose Kim again, at least he got to have a few more hours of happiness.
Jack knows now he’d give almost anything to have even that little of time with Nathan-a chance for a do-over, a chance to do what he should have.
He listens as Taggart starts to explain about his absence and lets the little flame of hope in the back of his heart burn that much stronger.
Someday, he thinks. Someday.
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