Title: Clean Slate
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jack's thoughts late in the episode of '3x18 - What Goes Around, Comes Around'.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Property of SciFi/SyFy, Andrew Cosby and Jamie Paglia.
Pairing/Characters: Jack Carter
Spoilers: Spoilers for 3x18 - 'What Goes Around, Comes Around'
A/N: Written for Week 10 of the Season 3.5 challenge at
eureka_tag, Missing Scene for '3x18 - What Goes Around, Comes Around'
A/N #2: Posted Unbetaed.
Great, he thinks. Just freaking great.
As if things couldn’t get any worse than they already were, now he’s got to deal with the latest possible-destruction-of-the-earth disaster that someone’s managed to create this time. This time the fault lies with Zoe’s idiotic boyfriend, who he doesn’t even want to think about right now given his current state of mind and where exactly he found said boyfriend a few minutes ago.
Jack just knows that any tiny little thought at all will end with that boy’s blood on his hands for even daring to touch his baby girl. It’s just… No. Not ok. He’s just barely resisting the constant urge to tear Lucas limb from limb starting from below the belt because he’s got the destruction of the world to stop first so they’ll all be alive so he can.
Between that and walking in on Fargo doing the nasty with his girlfriend in the middle of a lab, Jack’s convinced that the world must really be ending. There’s no way he’d see two such events in the span of less than two hours if the apocalypse wasn’t impending yet again.
He’s proud of himself, however, for not putting a bullet into something or trying to gouge his eyes out from the images burned into his mind from each of those traumatizing moments. As it is, he’s not going to be able to sleep for weeks.
And, as if the world ending and traumatizing sexual encounters weren’t enough, Tess screwed him over-literally and figuratively. Just add it to the day, he thinks.
What pisses him off the most is that she won’t say a word in apology or even attempt to explain her behavior-just assumes he’ll accept anything she tells him to do, including pick up and follow her like a puppy to somewhere half a world away. No matter that his life, his work, is here in Eureka now. The first real home he’s had in a long time.
He’s tired of being the one left with the short end of the stick, especially lately. Abby, Callie, Nathan, Allison, and now Tess. He just can’t seem to get it right, no matter what he tries. Hell, even S.A.R.A.H. always seems to be on his case about something and she’s not even human.
Speaking of Ali, it just doesn’t feel right without her there. Henry and Zane are both super smart and can fix just about anything, but it feels wrong not to have her there to at least bounce ideas off of. Almost like another ghost of the past hovering in the back of his mind, spirited away never to return again.
Tomorrow, he tells himself. Once he finishes helping save the world from collapsing again, he’ll go visit Ali & Jenna.
And then, just maybe, there will be one person in his life that he’ll get it right with this time- since he’s starting with a clean slate.
Feedback always welcome.
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