Do I Update This Thing Enough?

Mar 03, 2005 12:34

A lot of stuff has been going on lately, some of it personal enough not to merit discussion, but plenty of it is the sort of thing that normally goes into a livejournal when the author is diligent.

I just got back from the orthodontist. I felt like my bite had actually gotten worse since last time, but he didn't say anything about it. He did say that I was almost done (something he has never said before) and that the braces should be off by June. I think my parents have already made all their payments on the braces, and my dad told me earlier that once the payments were done, the braces would soon come off.

I've been revisiting sleep deprivation lately, a condition that is becoming more and more inhibiting. I have been getting up at six in the morning so that I'll be used to it when I start my job at Measurement Inc next week, but insomnia has chosen to strike again. This morning I overslept til after eight because I couldn't fall asleep until after 3am last night. I don't know how late I will be working tonight. The Bald Headed Slack Jawed Mouth Breather made me work until closing last weekend without any advance notice (the schedule had me working for three hours), so I take no chances now.

My mind has been going non-stop lately, which is probably why I haven't been sleeping well. Ive lost count of how many books I'm trying to read at once. I finished a couple this morning. One of them was actually a graphic novel called Persepolis, and excellent autobiographical account of growing up in Iran in the 1980's during the Islamic Revolution.

Scott and I have been talking about trying to play Deadlands online. I checked out a book on daily life during the Civil War and it is very good. I doubt anything will come of it with out busy schedules, but at least I am enjoying the book. I have also been playing around with the idea for a comic story that I told Keith about a few months back, but I haven't actually written anything. Again, we are probably both too busy to seriously consider it.

Sheena's stressing about stuff too. She's been going about getting ready for grad school the way you're supposed to. Dr. Westervelt at UNCG told her to relax and that she's doing fine. She ahs half a dozen schools on her list, which is apparently recommended for her field, that range from the University of Maryland (the best) to ECU (a sure acceptance). There is one school on her list to which I have applied myself, so we do have some chance of living in the same region for a year or two.

As I was driving back from the orthodontist, I passed a dog coming the other way who was moving with such a posture of resolution and purpose that I had to slow down and look at it. It looked back as if to ask me what I was staring at, but it kept going the whole time. It moved in a perfectly straight path following the curb, never looking anywhere but straight ahead until I rudely interrupted it. That dog had somewhere to go. It had important business. No time to stop and smell the flowers. That dog knew where it needed to be.

Cats aren't like that. They wander until they find somewhere comfortable. Then they only rest a few minutes before wandering somewhere else. If they see something interesting, they follow it, but not with the single-minded determination of a dog. A cat never seems to go in any particular direction for any real length of time or any appreciable amount of dedication. Maybe that is why I identify with cats so much more than dogs.
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