12 Character Meme

Oct 30, 2010 20:24

So, like Arynis, I too tried my hand at the character meme. However, UNLIKE Ary, I stayed within one fandom. Yup. It's 5D's (would it be anything else? :3)

1. Lucciano
2. Lighty
3. José(...-sama)
4. Ruka
5. Carly Nagisa
6. Izayoi Aki
7. Divine
8. Jack Atlus
9. Yanagi Tenzen
10. Rex Godwin
11. Tarou
12. Sherry Leblanc

1. Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fic? Do you want to?
Aki/Tarou? Never seen one, but hot damn would I write one! Team Taiyo needs love too.

2. Do you think Four is hot? How hot?
...Ruka is a little girl. If anything she's the Token Loli, but she isn't "hot". More "adorable". (But I could see her growing into it.)

3.What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant?
We'd have undeniable proof that Sherry is more manly than JACK ATLUS.

4. Can you rec any fic(s) about Nine?
Sadly, Yanagi as about as loved as a moldy dishcloth. He does get a fairly good showing in Masterdramon's "My Dark King" though.

5. Would Two and Six make a good couple?
...Lighty and Aki. Wow. That takes brainbreak to a new level. But I'd have to say no - it might be hot to look at, but there's no balance. Also, Lighty would need a personality, and currently -- she's a card. Slight problem there. (Doesn't stop me shipping Aki/BRD, but that's a different story, right?)

6. Five/Nine  or Five/Ten? Why?
Carly/Yanagi or Carly/Rex? Eww. I'll have to go with Rex, even though he's still far too old to pair Carly with. He looks better. Plus she would be constantly trying to uncover the secrets he's hiding away, and that makes for so much delicious tension.

7. What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex?
He would immediately assume that Sherry is a Psychic duelist, because Lighty has to somehow be corporeal for this to come about.

8. Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fic.
José/Godwin? Let's give it a go:
"Their worldviews are incompatible. One says Momentum will bring about the destruction of humanity; Godwin begs to differ. One says humanity can be guided as it is; José refuses to believe. "

9. Is there any such thing as One/Eight fluff?
Fluff involving Lucciano and Jack? Pur-lease, Lucciano is not a fluffy person. (Although, I... no, bad, BAD Gin.)

10. Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic.
Against the Stars -- Because Divine and Sherry both hate Iliaster, and that whole "people of the stars" thing that S1 spewed... yeah.

11. What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted Four to deflower One?
Now I've got that out of my system, I honestly have no idea how Ruka would go about deflowering Lucciano. But knowing him and his pain tolerance, it'll be something... kinky.

12. Does anyone on your friends list read Seven slash?
I have no idea, but I think somebody might. If people actually wrote more Divine-centric stuff.

13. Does anyone on your friends list read Three het?
...I know people who would possibly do so (the small subsect of José/Sherry crackshippers), but again, he's not exactly a popular subject. And he's old. Do the maths.

14. Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven?
Again -- not a popular character. Although maybe somebody has a picture of him somewhere... (Anyone have Tarou fanart? Please send it my way~!)

15. Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five?
Lighty/Ruka/Carly? ... No, I can't say that anyone would.

16. What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion?
Rex Godwin even has a sex drive? O.o ...ohwait, he fathered Crow didn't he... Um, well I still have no idea.

17. If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, which song would you choose?
A lot of people use Vida la Vida for Jack, but I don't think that works, personally. No, you need something with passion and possibly bitterness, depending on what season you're working from.
(Season 2 Jack - Who I Am Hates Who I've Been)

18. If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warnings be?
Lucciano/Aki/Sherry... uh, "Turn back all ye who enter here, unless you are brave or have a thing for shotacon*"
*not mentioning anybody... *cough*

19.What might be a good pick-up line for Two to use on Ten?
"Cookie, you need to lighten up~." (Yes, Lighty makes utterly groan-worthy puns. And calls people 'cookie'.)

...So yeah, I'll be wandering off to write that fic where Lucciano gets deflowered by Ruka-chan. (Blame Ary. And Heleen.)

5d's, memes

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