Yes, a very specific charm and it took me forever, but after the whole Hooper fiasco I wanted to make sure no one I didn't want to could read this. Anyway.
Don't be discouraged about what happened at dinner. If you look at it another way, they're clearly only doing it to browbeat us, so if we weren't a threat they wouldn't even bother. In a manner of speaking, they see us as something dangerous and something to be careful of. They might even be a bit afraid of us. All of that is encouraging. We just need to keep our spirit and keep on resisting them. Personally I'd be insulted if I wasn't at that table, but that might just be me.
Having said that, Padma, it's very important that you stay head girl, so no hard feelings about your placement. Imagine if we had a twit like Parkinson in your position. Or if you lose your badge, there's always a chance they'd give it to Zabini.