Goodbye, my love

Apr 11, 2017 23:42

Last night I received a phone call that he'd become unresponsive. So today I went to the hospital, contacted his family, and sat with him until he passed. His mother got to say goodbye. My brother and sister-in-law came and sat with me awhile. One of his close longtime friends got to say goodbye. And at the end I sat with him facing me, his brother ( Read more... )


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Comments 7

grondfic April 12 2017, 07:41:37 UTC
I'm so sorry for your loss. And thank you for sharing his last journey with us here.

All my best thoughts are with you as you start on this new, harder path.



gina_r_snape April 12 2017, 12:44:18 UTC
Thank you.


spursgirl79 April 12 2017, 08:42:29 UTC
Chris and I are so very sorry to hear this. We are thinking of both you and Taras. I hope that in time you can gain comfort from the fact that his passing was so peaceful, and that you were able to be with him. Much love from us both.


gina_r_snape April 12 2017, 12:44:03 UTC
Thank you. You know, I remember when we started dating you remarked that it gave you hope that you and Chris might get together. I hope he gave you the courage you needed to bring you to the place you are at now.


dickgloucester April 12 2017, 14:32:51 UTC
Please accept my heartfelt condolences for your loss. You speak of his passing so beautifully, with such grace. You are lucky to have known his love, and he was lucky to have known yours. *hugs you hard*


saena17 April 14 2017, 04:48:27 UTC
Just logged on after a little while away (I don't really post on lj anymore, although sometimes I think about getting back into it, but I do occasionally check my feed) and I was stunned and saddened to see this post. So I went and read back on some of your recent updates. Gosh, I am so, so sorry. What a blessing to have been able to spend the time together that you had, and I'm glad that he went peacefully. You will be in all my thoughts and prayers in the coming days. <3


rayvyn2k April 15 2017, 21:24:16 UTC
I'm so sorry for your loss. (I just saw this today.)

I'm glad it was swift and peaceful. I'm glad you were with him. I'm sure he's glad that you were with him and told him it was okay to go.

Take good care of yourself, sweetie.


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