Season Finale
Brenda and company find the body of a 20 year old with a tattoo on his arm that's shaped like two capital Es. Turns out, cause of death: he blew himself up with his own bomb, which starts the investigation, which takes them to the house of his friend where they find propane tanks and guns. Suspect states that Columbine "failed" and they would "do it right." FBI boyfriend explains that the plan at Columbine was to explode propane tanks inside the school and then open fire while everyone evacuated. The tanks didn't explode so the shooters entered the school and started shooting. In this episode, Brenda and company find the tanks before they can explode, the shooter only hits one victim on the ground, but hits one of the police officers attempting to take him down. Sanchez is rushed off in a helicopter and the season ends.
Tough subject matter. A bit hard to watch considering that the fear of this type of plot is a very real one. The cliff hanger didn't affect me much as Sanchez isn't one of my favorite characters. The pace was good, but things seemed to be solved a bit too quickly and I missed Brenda in the box. Grade: B-
Overall, I enjoyed the season. I like that this detective show is finding a way to avoid the trap of customary detective formulas - here's the case, here's how I solve the case. It follows that to some degree, but each week there are interesting twists and turns and this season did that even better than past ones. Favorite characters are Detective Tao and Detective "I don't run" Provenza.
The new season starts in January, where we'll find out if Sanchez lives. Looking forward to it.