I know it's a bad video, but watch it, hahahahaha...Just realize that it's a guy REALLY messed up that the cops in st petersburg caught driving after this big drum and bass show (therapy sessions 4). He' just spinning around in circles saying "BA DAM BAM BAM!" and stuff--hahaha....Watch it to the end. This is how messed up some people can get, it's
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Я решила что, я буду писать по-русский больше чем по-английский здесь...Просто потому что я же учусь в россии, и мне надо практика.
Нууу ладно. Я заболела ангиной и сижу дома скучно уже 5 дней. Горло болит, антибиотики пью, и сплю много. Ничего нового...ээээ, кроме я ищу машину! Давно хотела купить...
I have tonsillitis for the 13th time. I haven't had it for at least 3 years, and I was supposed to get my tonsils out after I had it the first ten times, but I chickened out
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Come Monday, my feet will be stuck in a block of dried concrete that I won't be able to pick off for another four years. This is my last weekend of freedom...I'll be at school all day, 6 days a week from now on. Goodbye, life.
I'm back where I belong. Finally. I love this place more than Bend when I'm here--the clubs, the music, the city, bars, fun people, glamor, etc. etc...Yaaayy
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