In honor of the spirit of the day and the fact that LJ has become the Undead Journal, I thought we could play that age old game where one person writes something and then passes it to someone else to write a little more. So, if you would like to play just add your prose to the comments and see what we can create
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I set off for the mall, desperate for inspiration. As as stood there among the Christmas decorations, something occurred to me.
What was I thinking? Rat gowns? Sacrificial rat virgins. Could rats be considered virginal any way? Maybe the white ones, perhaps. I shook my head, noting a dull ache.
It was then I realized
Wait a minute! There was a Build-A-Bear up there! They were sure to have teddy bear costumes in various sizes, and with a little luck, there would be bridal gowns in the smallest size they had available -- just right!
Now where was that escalator? Why were there so many people in my way, and -- why were so many of them dressed like pirates?
Looking back so much of that evening seems to defy explanation. Thinking about it in detail was like focusing on the individual occupants of a platform as the train speeds by--impossible to capture as more than a blur. To this day all I truly recall with clarity, much to my detriment, is my dear one's reaction to the anniversary gift, or should I say pageant, for it was more that than anything. All fluff and satin, white and red, love and endings. A perfect metaphor for what was to come.
No, what I remember like a brand on my soul was my spouse's words:
"My darling, that is really quite outstanding!" exclaimed my spouse, lip twisted in a devishly smile, "But, how, pray tell, did you get them into the shoes!"
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