Back after four hot days elsewhere. I went to Gothenburg this weekend to particiapte in an event at
Gunnebo slott, a wonderful house from the late 18th century, with a likewise wonderful park.
Several companies of military re-enactors were playing war in the park, and as they wanted some nobility as well, my society was asked to participate. No pay, apart from travels, lodgings and food. So we were eight adults, and five kids who milled around the park and villa, supposedly as king Gustaf III with entourage, Saturday and Sunday. There will be more pics at a later date, but here you can see us at the opening. You can see me in a white dress and big black hat.
It was extremely hot, and it was a bit of a trial to wear a wig. I cut off some eight inches of hair last Thursday, but it's still long, and with that, wig and hat, my head was melting. Saturday was almost unbearable, and ended with a two hour long thunderstorm and pouring rain. As we were going to have a barbecue in the soldier's camp, we were a bit worried, but the evening were beautiful.
We had grilled meat, cheese and bread, and somehow my glass was constantly filled with beer or wine. Gustaf's Skål's parties are quite refined affairs, and even if we have a lot of male members, there are always more women around, than men. So it was a quite different party. But they were all very nice, even if the amusements were a bit rough. I was treated with quite a number of rowdy songs.
A guy who looked quite a bit like Sting, flirted with me, which made me feel unexpectedly shy, but was quite nice anyway. And another proclaimed I looked like an angel, and proceeded to call me ”The angel” all evening. As I've been feeling so unattractive lately, I quite liked the attention.
Sunday was a bit cooler, though still hot. My friend Marie came and we managed to have lunch together. I haven't seen her since November, and it was lovely to see her as she, along with Karin, is my best friend. Later
frualeydis came, and it was great fun to see her for real.
We had five kids along, and they were doing great, considering the long days and the heat. Four of them are siblings, two girls and two boys who are between 1 and 7 years old. And then there were another little boy who was three.
I dreaded going home, though. I longed for Son, of course, but also after Rickard. This weekend was so much fun, but now when I'm home again, it was just a respite, and all the pain is back in full force. Rickard and I talked some, and I've cried a lot. I just can't understand how he could just stop loving me, and still maintain that it was nothing about me that made him. But he can't explain why he did either. I feel so alone, and I don't want to go to bed, because I will be all alone in it. We are going to councelling on Wednesday, but then I think I'll take Son and go to the summer house again.
Belated birthday congratulations to
munkymate! *hugs* And I'm so sorry for all the hassle
kaereste had to endure in the past few days. *hugs* to you too, I'm sorry I wasn't around earlier.