My father had got his share of my grandparents photos, and he gave me a couple of me as a kid. Hence this pic-spam of Baby-Isis:
Me and my Mum. It's my first Christmas and I'm 8 months old.
The Christmas when I was three, I got this pram. The dog inside was my grandmother's first Lhasa Apso. She bred dogs and had Collies, Bearded Collies and Shetland Shepdogs too. For some reason my grandmother let me name this dog, and I called her Larson, for reasons now unknown to me. She was our ”vacation-dog”, and she was great to play with. As I recall it she had nothing against being a doll-substitute. The woman in the background is my youngest aunt.
The four-year-old me.
Me and my grandmother looking at Larson's puppies. I'm six- I just got glasses whish I hated. My other grandmother had made the dress for me.