and so another weekend has taken its tole.
for (i think) the 4th weekend in a row i've been dupt into a 4 day binge, from thursday to sunday..... well almost, left the bar yesterday after the football (thieving magpies)
and yet again the weekend has out done the previous ones
whats been remembered/informed of:-
- thursday...drinking from noon, people came and went until finally the only person at 11pm at which point i thought'd be wise to take a dander home (home being east belfast, only 3.5 miles away and via newtownards rd/short strand)
- friday...what was meant to be an evenings drinking in the riverhouse turned into a trip to the union for £1.50 a drink... an invite to the union staffs party... a swift boot out of union staffs party after we proceeded to inform all incoming folk of how shit the party was... so ended up at party on ormeau rd where an obscene amount of krazy fun was had.
- saturday (extreme AM).... still at party and decision is made to avoid all forms of rest and hit the bar ASAP. so after a quick run through the streets of the holy lands to lose some bonkers Aussie bloke that no one could understand or work out how he came to be at said party we managed to find a bar that would actually serve us fiends booze at 11:50am. although when i say bar i mean a holiday inn. 6 became 5 became 3 and finally the back bar at lav's.... regretting ourselves but too fearful to stop... spot o pool... trip to Mal maison (poooosh as foook) attempted to nab prints from the bogs before deciding that sleep was finally needed at around 7. taxi up the ormeau.. 30 mins kip had before back onto wine and into taxi to ski bunny... dance off attempted/fell on arse, attempted a breakdance... blurred focus... lose of all motor functions and communication skills (village drunk syndrome)... turned down offers to attend party's (i must have been steaming!) bumped into fellow LJ'r nikki(evening!) back to ormeau...kip on armchair...
- sunday... arose sometime in the afternoon and set off in search of football after boozey breakfast. bumped into random folk ended up in the eg (as i've said...i must've been drunk!) spurs were robbed.. booze was had... buses were sought... and then finally around 8 pm last night rational thought returned just in time for me to realise that hitting katy daly's last night wouldn't be the best of actually may have finished me off. (apologees must be sent to tori n co but i'm just too young to die!)
so a night of sittin about my house with the worst feelin of dread ever was had.
and now the cycle begins again as we enter probably one of the most boozey weeks on the calendar....with no doubt that it'll all kick off again on wednesday (club mogue, spring'n'airbreak...ya know ya's want to)
that may have been the longest entry i've ever posted but it was the only way i could work out what the hell happened this weekend! off for a cup o tea and nice wee sit down, who knows may even attempt to do some work today!