Spent the evening with friends from the street. After having found a flying disk yesterday, we played with that for a bit which was very entertaining because it's one of the ones which go for miles and/or end up curving unpredictably and/or going just above your head and hitting a car/window/house (which did happen on several occasions). Then we
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Comments 5
And also you said to comment or have a really detailed bio... And I have both, so yes :-D
*Is not usually this strange* *Honestly just found you*
I do indeed like Foo Fighters and am thoroughly annoyed at not having "One by One" because I love "All My Life" and it's the only Foo Fighters album (to my knowledge) that I don't have :(
But you seem nice and weird is fine by me. *Friends*
One By One actually wins. It's my favourite. Every song on that is fantastic, just as good as All My Life (Which pwns, of course) and there's one that sometimes (er. Always.) makes me cry. Which is a good thing!
Yay, thank you :-) *Adds back*
I tend to rant and then fangirl (often in the same entry) rather a lot, so sorry about that XD
Dammit. Now I want it more. *Sigh* I will have to buy it.
I don't mind ranting or fangirling so that's ok. I tend to leave random gaps between updates so sorry about that.
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