It's been so long ...
Life came at me, and I had things to deal with (everything's good now, but it knocked me off my game), I didn't write any Glee fic in practically a month (just posted a drabble today), and fandom has unfortunately been the last thing on my mind. Stupid school, taking up all my time -.-
Also, fell in love with Criminal Minds and am working my way through all the episodes ...
But I'm back! My very-own-personal-hiatus from the land of LJ is now concluded (unless all my teachers gang up again and decide to assign projects simultaneously). Have a lot of little things I'd like to write, and then a few bigger ones that will probably never be finished but a girl can dream, right?
Anyways, I'm alive and kicking still and hope to have some new things coming your way soon!
Sincerely, as always,