Things being as they are, a lot of us are scrambling to back things up over on
Dreamwidth. There are issues with that, and I'll cover them in another post, but in order for journals and communities to work, as in so many other things: you need your friends. (Also, if you haven't already,
consider creating a free account at Dreamwidth.)
Bear in mind, not everyone is/was able to get the same account names on both platforms (I myself couldn't), so before giving someone access to your journal on spec, it would be smart to hear from the horses' mouths that they're who you think they are. Best practices: if you're coming at it as an exclusive LJ user, only accept a Dreamwidth account's identity as verified if the corresponding livejournal account confirms it. (That's not to say there aren't completely legitimate users who are only on DW, just don't confuse usernames between the two platforms.) I'd like to suggest two things to help that happen.
First, leave a forwarding address on your profile page. In case you've forgotten where to do that, you can edit yours here: Scroll down to BIO. Edit and SAVE CHANGES.
Second, communities and groups of friends should consider making lists instead of everyone dotting their DW usernames in single entries throughout their individual journals. They aren't as likely to be found that way. The other problem is people's flists aren't identical. A helpful approach is to create nodes amongst flisties to increase the visibility, so if one of your flisties makes a post with their DW nick, comment and add yours. It doesn't matter if you've done it before, please do it again. (You're not desperate, you're sensible. I like that in a person... 😉) If you want to post them here, go for it. (Honestly it doesn't even matter if I know you or not, this isn't about friend requests. Let's try to make this as simple for everyone as possible.) Help your flisties find you on the other platform. Belts and braces people.
Most importantly, keep in mind both of those solutions are only going to work if livejournal itself is accessible, so to be on the safe side, try to get your "forwarding address" to as many of your flisties as you can as soon as you can, and try to update your flists on the other platform NOW. I'll try to keep this list current on dreamwidth as well for reference.
(Note, I've copied and pasted them exclusively from user's posts / comments so they're confirmed. They're all links so you can click through to the user on dreamwidth and add them now (don't wait, do that now), and they use the lj user function so each user is notified about that link. If anyone is unhappy with their nick being shared here, please let me know and I'll remove you. ❤️)
acciobrick remains
acciobrick on dreamwidth.
deathtocapslock remains
deathtocapslock on dreamwidth.
hpwu remains
hpwu on dreamwidth.
mini_fest remains
mini-fest on dreamwidth. NOTE: displays differently (hyphen / underbar).
snapecase remains
snapecase on dreamwidth.
teacup_society remains
teacup-society on dreamwidth. NOTE: displays differently (hyphen / underbar).
adafrog remains
adafrog on dreamwidth.
arhythmthief remains
arhythmthief on dreamwidth.
beffeysue remains
beffeysue on dreamwidth.
beyondwandpoint remains
beyondwandpoint on dreamwidth.
blueartemis07 remains
blueartemis07 on dreamwidth.
chienne_folle is
corylea on NOTE: not the same.
christmasspirit remains
christmasspirit on dreamwidth.
dreamy_dragon73 is
dreamy-dragon73 on dreamwidth. NOTE: displays differently (hyphen / underbar).
erexen remains
erexen on dreamwidth.
gelsey remains
gelsey on dreamwidth.
gingerbred is
gingerbredrules on dreamwidth. NOTE: not the same. 😕
gingerbredshaus remains
gingerbredshaus on dreamwidth.
gingerwitch remains
gingerwitch on dreamwidth.
honeymink remains
honeymink on dreamwidth.
hopelesliehermn is
hope-leslie-hermnharry on dreamwidth. NOTE: not the same.
kellychambliss is
kelly_chambliss on dreamwidth. NOTE: not the same.
lostangelsoul3 is
lostangelsoul on dreamwidth. NOTE: not the same.
madeleone remains
madeleone on dreamwidth.
merrymelody remains
merrymelody on dreamwidth.
morethansirius remains
morethansirius on dreamwidth.
mywitch remains
mywitch on dreamwidth.
nocturnus33 remains
nocturnus33 on dreamwidth.
nx74defiant remains
nx74defiant on dreamwidth.
orlando_switch is
orlando-switch on dreamwidth. NOTE: displays differently (hyphen / underbar).
reynardo remains
reynardo on dreamwidth.
sigune remains
sigune on dreamwidth.
snapebraille4tu remains
snapebraille4tu on dreamwidth.
snapecentric1 is
snapecentric on dreamwidth. NOTE: not the same.
sunnyskywalker remains
sunnyskywalker on dreamwidth.
teddyradiator is
teddy_radiator on dreamwidth. NOTE: not the same.
thankthefae remains
thankthefae over on dreamwidth.
toblass remains
Toblass on dreamwidth.
zigadenus remains
zigadenus on dreamwidth.
IF YOU ARE VIEWING THIS ON DREAMWIDTH: Keep in mind on the dreamwidth copy of this that the first / left name in a line is the livejournal username and not the name you should be adding to your dreamwidth circles. For that please use the dreamwidth link instead which is the second name provided.
UPDATED: 29 March 2022 13.21 CET