The super overdue pictures of Amelia's surprise birthday party and the Mt. Kinabalu pictures.
For Am's party pictures, the place was quite dark and so i had to edit the pictures, which result some pictures have different lighting and such. And Cheryl, here you go(finally! 8D)
The giant birthday card Cheryl did for Am.
Eli, Gin Yen, Cheryl.
Eli and Gin Yen.
Mervin and Melvin.
Tse Yau, Cheryl and another girl whom i forgot the name :x
The gigantic watermelon juice..
..with the cutleries.
Gin Yen and I ordered spaghetti carbonara and didn't know that the portion was that big.
We were like stuffing ourself and in the end Mervin finished what we can't finish.
Gin Yen and the birthday girl!
Gin Yen, Amelia, Cheryl and Eli.
And now for KK trip pictures.. I didn't entirely take my camera along with me 24/7 so don't expect much. I didn't take my camera when i was climbing towards Laban Rata and towards the peak, so no climbing pictures.
Some random sky shots before the KK trip..
And here are the pictures when i reach Sabah.
The airport.
Mr Sathia talking to Mr Rama in the bus.
The construction of the new departments of the airport in Sabah?
Selamat Datand Ke Sabah: Welcome to Sabah.
Close up of logo of my' backpack'.
The bus stop there. Lol.
When we were on our way to Kinabalu Parl(which was about an hour ride or two with the bus), a truck was tumbled(?). Jeng jeng.
On the way up to Kinabalu Park.
On the way up to Kinabalu Park.
We then stopped by this restaurant halfway to Kinabalu Parl and by there, you can see like the peak at the right hand side and the mountains on the left hand side. But it was cloudy and foggy(and cold) and so we cant really see it. In picture is Frank and Yi Ping.
The restaurant/rest stop is called Kalangadan.
Shirly and Raxine.
The mountains at the left hand side. Can't see so much as it's quite foggy and cloudy.
The valleys of mountains.
Then we continued the long ride to Kinabalu Park.
You can see this type of houses at the roadside.
A silhouette of Mahathir and Frank.
And after an hour or two, or even more, of ride, we finally arrived. Oh did i mention it was raining?
The peak from Kinabalu Park! but it was cloudy and so you can't see it much.
We then checked in for a night and we stayed in the Peak's Room. Here's how it looked like:
The room that Shirly, Ms Ellie and I shared.
Shirly with her wide 'V' - which reminds me of BoA.
The dining table which we didn't have a chance to use.
The whole room was really pretty, but the pictures were blurry and so i decided to not post it.
This was the view of outside the 'veranda' at around 7 pm. The peak was covered totally with the clouds.
The view from 'veranda', too.
Then at 7.30++, dinner time.
Not a lot of shots cause i'm busy eating. But food there were pretty good!
This one's from YiPing's camera, and this is the next morning, where we will climb up there to Laban Rata.
By then i already packed my camera in the bag so i didnt snap any pictures.
From YiPing's camera - we were waiting for the porters and for the bus.
Then comes the climb to Laban Rata and then overnight in Laban Rata.
And then the next morning to the peak.
It was crazy, but yet it was fun.
I didn't manage to get to the peak, but i reached the base of the peak with the help of the guides.
If it weren't for the guide, i think i will give up during the beginning.
Before the flight back to KL. Legs were in pain and muscles are really sore. D:
Not studying tonight. I just.. didn't feel like it.
And so, i'll study kao kao tomorrow after tuition.
On a random note: i'm really addicted to Casker's cover of 떠나가지마. It's just so, so good.
Happy Chuseok/Mooncake Festival everyone! ;)