The flower of the Squad 3

Sep 04, 2007 00:54

Wow! What a surprise!
orocchan (with help of Abarai-fukutaichou and Eswet) translated the flowers of Squads and its (Japanese flower language version) meaning.

Correct my English in case of mistakes

Squad 1 - Chrysanthemum - truth and purity

Squad 2 - Japanese anemone - look for nothing, aspire nothing

Squad 3 - Calendula - despair

Squad 4 - Bell-flower - love your sadness (?)

Squad 5 - Japanese pieris - victim, danger, pure love

Squad 6 - Camellia - proud (noble) mind

Squad 7 - Iris - bravery

Squad 8 - Strelitzia - you will achieve everything

Squad 9 - White poppy - oblivion

Squad 10 - Narcissus - true beauty (writes with hieroglyphs "secret of gods"), egoism

Squad 11 - Milfoil - battle

Squad 12 - Thistle - revenge, ascetism, independence

Squad 13 - Snowdrop (or squill?) - hope
(I'm not sure is it Scilla sp. or Galanthus sp. Both grow in Japan, both translate into Russian as "snowdrop")


Now, now.... Despair? I gotta draw Kira surrounded with "despair" instead of old sunflowers =)
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