So, if this had happened in Canada? Yeah, I wouldn't have believed a word of it.
But for Japan? I actually totally believe it happened.
Give in to the power of the tea~! Tea is powerful stuff. *nods sagely*
in other news, my prof for my LAST GRAD COURSE EVAR *yay!* dragged out those old Canadian Heritage moment ads for review in class. It
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Comments 3
Yer know, outside of the german woman escaping a sexual assault victim by biting the guy this is the funniest and most uplifting story I've read all week. At least Japan has good funny news, unlike the UK where police dogs now have to were rubber booties before going into homes and daycare workers are being given guidebooks on how to monitor 3 year olds for racist behaviour such as saying "yuk" to certain ethnic quisine. No, I'm not making that up, the world is very messed, especially the UK.
It is a good story, isn't it? And so very Japanese! ^_^ I actually buy the rubber booties thing, you don't want the dogs stepping on glass or needles or stuff like that. But the other? Yeah, okay. *weirded-out face*
It's a wonderful story and so very Japanese. ^_^
Actually, the dogs have to wear rubber booties because their contact with the house would desecrate it according to proper Islamic teachings. Apparantly dogs are naturally filthy... It has something to do with Mohammed having been bitten by a black puppy when he was a child apparantly. Sorry, I forgot to mention that they only have to wear booties when going into Islamic homes. -_-;;; There was also a subsequent fuss later on when a Police recruitment photo featured a black puppy-dog sitting on a police cap. I am not impressed.
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