Another post... I know, I know... hell must be freezing over. Either that or Ginny is just really flippin' cranky and can't seem to keep her mouth shut and her opinions to herself
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And you forgot icons - I'm willing to bet that most of the people complaining have images they use in their icons that were taken without payment or permission. ;)
Edited because, no, I don't count icons to be the same as straight images. Icons usually start out as purloined images, that are then modified with purloined Photoshop brushes and filters. ~snicker~
Yeah the avi... I was considering icons with that. But it's true. :) And they get mad that someone might have a copy of their story on their hard drive?
Gah. They piss me off. It is a generation that speaks about being enlightened and understanding and accepting of everyone else... and yet the oxymoron there is that they are the most selfish, arrogant, egotistical and SELFISH generation that I've ever seen.
Something that is loved by an author whose story I like, sounds promising *clicks*
ADD: Aha, checking out the author's profile, and I believe I'm gonna read more than 4, thank you for the link. Dude, I should hang-out here more often.
I adored Ride of My Life and I'm currently reading Drive. But lots of her other stuff sends me to tears and makes me bawl. I can only handle small doses.
The Cube series is humor. Ride of My Life is mostly romance.
Honestly, do I agree with this site set up full of pdfs of these fanfics? Not really. If an author requests that their story is removed, I think that it should be removed from the public list. And if an author emailed me and asked me if I would please not send out a story that I happen to have, I would not have it on my personal list. There are a few that I don't include in my list simply because the person has done that very thing. But if someone emails and asks if I have it even if it's not on my list... yeah, I would probably give it to them.
I just hate that I've resorted to saving almost everything that even remotely looks interesting. The very minute the "complete" button is clicked. And there was one fic that it got popular before it was complete... so she pulled all but the most recent 5 chapters and kept only 5 chapters at a time posted until it was complete. So, new chapter went up and another chapter came down. It's behaviour like that which I find ridiculous for fanfic.
I think an author should be able to say she doesn't want a fic public anymore and I'll respect that. However, she should know that not everyone will. At the same time, before the craziness of Twidom publishing, fics were taken down because the author legitimately wanted it private. Not because she was planning to make money off her fic. That makes the whole situation messier.
Comments 67
And you forgot icons - I'm willing to bet that most of the people complaining have images they use in their icons that were taken without payment or permission. ;)
Edited because, no, I don't count icons to be the same as straight images. Icons usually start out as purloined images, that are then modified with purloined Photoshop brushes and filters. ~snicker~
Gah. They piss me off. It is a generation that speaks about being enlightened and understanding and accepting of everyone else... and yet the oxymoron there is that they are the most selfish, arrogant, egotistical and SELFISH generation that I've ever seen.
They forget that they are dealing with actual people.
Bleh. I'm cranky. I hate being this cranky. I really wish that I hadn't read my stash of fluff yesterday and had saved some for today.
I do have a copy of your story and I appreciate the work and time you put into it.
As for fics you have to share. Sure why not. I'm game.
Take care,
Who wants to share fanfics? I've got lots!
Me, me, me... but Complete, AH E/B please.
You need to go read The Cube by sdfreeze.
It's a series. 4 fics total and they are wonderful. I totally loved ALL of them!
ADD: Aha, checking out the author's profile, and I believe I'm gonna read more than 4, thank you for the link. Dude, I should hang-out here more often.
I adored Ride of My Life and I'm currently reading Drive. But lots of her other stuff sends me to tears and makes me bawl. I can only handle small doses.
The Cube series is humor. Ride of My Life is mostly romance.
Me, me, me... but Complete, AH E/B please.
Honestly, do I agree with this site set up full of pdfs of these fanfics? Not really. If an author requests that their story is removed, I think that it should be removed from the public list. And if an author emailed me and asked me if I would please not send out a story that I happen to have, I would not have it on my personal list. There are a few that I don't include in my list simply because the person has done that very thing. But if someone emails and asks if I have it even if it's not on my list... yeah, I would probably give it to them.
I just hate that I've resorted to saving almost everything that even remotely looks interesting. The very minute the "complete" button is clicked. And there was one fic that it got popular before it was complete... so she pulled all but the most recent 5 chapters and kept only 5 chapters at a time posted until it was complete. So, new chapter went up and another chapter came down. It's behaviour like that which I find ridiculous for fanfic.
I think an author should be able to say she doesn't want a fic public anymore and I'll respect that. However, she should know that not everyone will. At the same time, before the craziness of Twidom publishing, fics were taken down because the author legitimately wanted it private. Not because she was planning to make money off her fic. That makes the whole situation messier.
This messiness is what made the process loud.
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