Fic List

Mar 23, 2014 16:50

As the title suggests, this is just a fic list. I know... why do you care? Meh, most of your probably don't. The reason I'm posting this is really for me, though I'm leaving this open because I know that it's sometimes a nice reminder to see what stories other people have read recently or enjoyed that reminds what it was I adored about a fic in the ( Read more... )


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Comments 16

sbrande March 24 2014, 01:24:16 UTC
You will not be disappointed by, 'When a Lioness Fights.' Love that story it is brilliant.

I save all my favs in word doc to reread in case they get pulled. Have just noticed that no longer allows you to copy/paste.

Shall check out some of these, or reread old favs, when I get the chance to breathe.

Love Sonia :)


ginny_weasley31 March 24 2014, 01:34:22 UTC

*glomps you*

I have a program called Calibre. I <3 Calibre. And one of the plug-ins that I added to it is a fanfic grabber. And it copies fics... yes, even after the changes to the site. It also grabs stories from TPP and Ashwinder with relative ease... mostly. Most of the stories listed above I have in either .mobi or .epub for reading on my Kindle and/or iPad.

Shug was telling me just last week that I really need to read "When a Lioness Fights". It's definitely something I'll read soon, I think. Though I'm worried about its length. Then again, some of these others are incredibly long so... no reason not to jump in with both feet. I'm currently going through the Quiz lists to see if anything jumps out at me and nabbing them.

I hope you're able to find time to breathe soon! I finally decided that I had to take it, otherwise I was going to sink into an endless pit of depression that was going to take me an age to climb out of.


sbrande March 24 2014, 01:40:50 UTC
Glomps you right on back babe. Will have to take a look at calibre it sounds awesome.

Read it, you will not be disappointed. Had a brief look down your list and noticed some real gems there. I am reading, 'The Lucky Ones' on at the moment and it's not too bad. The only thing about reading on my i-pad and/or kindle is the fact that I can not review and I love to let the author know how much I appreciate all their hard work and effort.

Loves you babe, Sonia :)


nocturnus33 March 24 2014, 22:55:25 UTC
Running to meet Calibre


pern_dragon March 24 2014, 03:50:14 UTC
I humbly submit my entire works page (of which the majority are SSHG), which can be found at AO3 here: or at TPP here: for your perusal. LOL And if you do take a peek and they are not your cuppa, then no harm, no foul. :)


ginny_weasley31 March 24 2014, 19:26:24 UTC
Thank you, hon. I'll add some of those to my TBR list.


pern_dragon March 24 2014, 22:04:06 UTC
Hee! Excellent. Oh, and I love your icon. As a therapist, I concur! ;)~


madeleone March 24 2014, 18:33:51 UTC
Wow! you have been a very busy fangirl. Lots of great fics there. I noticed Solitaire by snarkypants on your TBR list, just wondering if you have a copy (I wish I'd kept one) as I understand it's been removed from the archives. A couple other suggestions, for rec resources, which you probably already know about, but the quiz-sshg is a great resource, also crack_broom and one-bad-man

A couple more personal recs:
A long time fave of mine: Care of Magical Creatures by miamadwyn (I also love, The Marriage Benefit)
At Into the North, by kailin
Also at Post Tenebras, Lux, and Chasing the Sun by Loten
For a newer SS/HG author try: gingertart, her fics are at TPP, I highly reccommend 'Out of the Shadows Came a Rose'. (I swore I would never, ever in a hundred million years read a m-preg fic but I read this and it was amazing).

Another newer author: Bleddyn also at TPP 'Bat out of Hell' and 'Don't Get Me Wrong'.


ginny_weasley31 March 24 2014, 19:35:18 UTC
I have been busy! LOL!

I've been going through the old quizzes and the awards site, too. I'm currently scouring through 2010 on the quiz site. ;) I'm really wondering where the time went, though. How could it have been that long ago! I didn't know about one_bad_man, though.

COMC is one that I need to put on my list. I do remember adoring that story. And I loved her other two MLCs, too.

I don't remember Into the North. It's familiar, but I have no idea why.

Post Tenebras, Lux and Chasing the Sun are also supposed to be on my TBR, but they're low on the list due to length. I saved the files about a month ago and Shug read them. But if something takes Shug a couple of days to read, it's guaranteed to take me over a week. I need to get a few more things cleared off my plate, first. Reading "Where Your Treasure Is" was a good reminder to me as to why I leave the longer ones to when I've got nothing pressing going on. ;)

That you for the other two authors to go take a look at. I'll add them to my list! Though I am seriously questiong mpreg! LOL!


madeleone March 24 2014, 23:00:54 UTC
Believe me, I SWORE I would never, ever, ever read a m-preg fic, but I love this fic. I should also mention it also features a 3-some, in case that's not your cup of tea either.

If you're interested, all of my own fics are over at AO3 ( and most are either SS/HG, LM/HG, or SS/HG/LM. Many drabbles and one shots but a few mid length fics... I just don't think I have the capacity to write an epic though. :)

ETA: Into the North is another fave of mine, one I re-read every year or two.


ginny_weasley31 March 24 2014, 23:07:58 UTC
Wow. AO3 has lots of HP fics. Cripes. Can you believe I've never actually been to that site before?

I'm not a huge 3some fan, though I've read a few that I've enjoyed. All depends on how they're written--like everything else. :)

What's Into the North about? I think the reason I've never read it is it was marked somewhere as incomplete... is it complete?


nocturnus33 March 24 2014, 22:56:09 UTC
Good reading list :)


ginny_weasley31 March 24 2014, 23:02:03 UTC
Why thank you!

And Calibre is awesome. Really, I've used it with a friend as we were formatting a story for publication on Amazon. So it's pretty versatile. All of the fanfics I made a generic SS/HG cover and just slap the title and authors as bookcovers on my fics... makes them more appealing to read. The plug-in for it that I'm using is FanFictionDL and it's on the plug-in list that's inside of Calibre's program... under "preferences".


minuet99 March 25 2014, 01:24:23 UTC
What brilliance of a list… let me know if you need me to find any of 'em. :)

I'm making my way through my own collection A to Z, but have skipped some of the longer to go back and catch again.


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