heh. i've got it reserved at barnes and noble with a double discount, one for preordering and one b/c we get a discount b/c barnes and noble owns part of calendar club. therefore i won't go to the midnight sale but will go by and pick it up the day it comes out and will probably sit up reading it for a couple days straight. then reread it to make sure i didn't miss anything.
I will read it when I get around to it. Possibly chapter by chapter for free in a bookstore that has a cafe. I don't have the spare money or space for another hardback.
I preordered from Amazon months ago. I will read it on the train. This will drive my housemate crazy, because he will want to read it when I am finished.
Hmm, Fair enough. I am not familiar with either of those authors though. Will need to google them and add things to my ever growing list of must reads.
Comments 8
btw, dee has decided i'm a ravenclaw.
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