Title: Fancy
Pairing: Dawn/Xander
Rating: Pg-13 to be on the safe side
Genre: Fluff pretty much.
A/n: Merry Christmas, this is a little gem that occurred to me, cross posted to good_evil, ulimate_Xander, and my own personal lj
Dawn was moping. Xander could tell, having been guilty of much mopeage in the past. It was Christmas time, and he knew that she was missing her mother.
“Hey Dawn, what’s with the frowny face?”
“Go away Xander.”
”Not until you tell me what’s on your mind.”
Dawn sighed, and he could tell she was close to sharing whatever was on her mind.
“I’m not going to leave you alone until you tell me.”
Dawn burst into tears.
“What did I say Dawny?”
She sniffled. “You haven’t called me that in forever.”
“Well, you’re growing up, you’re not a kid anymore.”
The lights of the Christmas tree reflected in the window behind Dawn, and Xander couldn’t help but wonder when she had gotten so grown up.
“Everyone leaves!”
”First Dad, then Mom, and Buffy’s almost gone too. Even when she’s here, its…”
Xander sighed. “Buffy’s seen a lot.”
“That’s no excuse for her behavior. I know she’s the Slayer; the longest lived one ever. I know she has an important mission. But she has me.”
“And, you’re are more than worth having, eminently haveable.”
Dawn laughed. “Are you trying to tell me something Xander?’
Xander shook his head forcefully. “Nope, not having anything to tell.”
“I think you’re protesting too much. You know I was always attracted to you.”
A loud sigh caused them both to turn around. Spike was standing there looking exasperated with the pair of them.
“Look, he bloody well fancies you, just can’t say. And Whelp, she fancies you back. So kiss already.”
Xander looked at Dawn sheepishly. She was grinning widely. So, he did the manly thing and kissed her. It was better than he could have imagined, sweet and wonderful. She was kissing him back, making room in her mouth for his tongue. He pulled her closer, and it was wonderful.
Spike laughed at the pair of them.
“Merry Bloody Christmas.”