Title: Alone
Rating: Pg-15 or so, maybe R for adult themes and kidnapping
Summary: What if Drusilla came to town and fancied Fred?
A/n: For Zoe who provides me with so much insipiration.
The stars were singing. The moon wanted to dance and Drusilla was happy to oblige. She twirled with her captive, who wasn’t in the spirit of things.
“You’re staying with me now love, Spike left me alone I need people.”
An increased moaning could be heard from the gag.
“We’re going to be such good friends, I like you lots,” stated Drusilla. She stroked the hair of her captive, pulling her into an intimate embrace.
The moon reflected in Fred’s eyes, and the terror in her face unmistakable.
“I love you Fred.”
A chill went down Fred’s spine. How could this soul-less creature claim to love her? And more important, what would she do to Fred?
“Don’t worry Fred,” whispered Drusilla, “I’ll take good care of you.”