Ah... Well... See... If I manage to kill his external harddrive chances are both computers have better chances of survival than either of us humans. He'll die of pure unadultered shock and misery... But not before he's killed me in the most painful way humanly possible.
He's a bio-geologist doing his PHD and he's gotten his first set of actual, useful, telling data from the samples he's worked on for months now just today. Guess where it is at this moment?
Turns out there's more tortorials for doing it from a USB stick so now I'm trying that since the Extended HardDisk wouldn't even work... No use doing any surgery if your scalpel can't cut skin :P
Comments 5
Be brave - whatever doesn't kill you (or your friend or either of your 'puters, only makes you stronger!)
He's a bio-geologist doing his PHD and he's gotten his first set of actual, useful, telling data from the samples he's worked on for months now just today. Guess where it is at this moment?
Turns out there's more tortorials for doing it from a USB stick so now I'm trying that since the Extended HardDisk wouldn't even work... No use doing any surgery if your scalpel can't cut skin :P
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