All I wanted to do was read some Due South fanfic from a fav,
Matthew Haldeman-Time, but instead I'm re-reading all of his bandslash. AND I CAN'T STOP READING!
The last time I read bandslash was also the only time, I think it's been a few years. I was never a fan of the boyband era and I never had a yearn to read fanfiction about them. I'm pretty sure it was Lance Bass' fault, and I don't even like NSYNC. But when Lance came out, I had to read at least one story from his boyband days. I picked Matthew because annoys me and I knew that he had the bandslash...
Anyway, it doesn't seem like a big deal right? Since I've only read them once...
Problem is that he has so many stories and the last time I couldn't stop myself until I had read every single one, it took a lot out of me. I even broke down and made banners for some of stories [thankfully, when my laptop crashed all of the stuff was erased.]
Hopefully, I'll have more control this time around!
P.S. I'm so excited for the premiere of White Collar. Not just because it's a USA show and I always love their shows [though, I hate how they end them; RIP: Cover Me, Deadzone, & 4400]. I'm excited because of Matt Bomer, who plays Neal Caffrey. He also played Bryce Larkin on Chuck. He's one-half of my Chuck!OTP. He's also an avatar for one of my characters and with any luck I can score some decent pictures of him. Seriously, the internet has failed me when it comes to Matt Bomer pictures.