Best friends and other things (Rant)

Nov 06, 2008 16:34

Cut so you all dont have to read it.

So, I'm feeling like my best friends just aren't anymore. they don't get me and i can feel them slipping them all away like, for instance, I asked one bfore I started school if he'd help me study, he said yes.
I told him we should do a study thing this weekend, and he said "Sorry. Busy." and immediately signed out without waiting for a reply. He's sitting in class like I am. WTF.

I just don't think he gets me or wants to be around me anymore. I don't know. I'm sick of feeling abandoned. He says he's not shoving me away, but anytime I ask to get together these days it's all "Sry, busy" *Sign out*

Any time I open my mouth, he argues with me, even when I have valid points. He also thinks that because he has to suffer through things, that I should have to as well. I'm sick of this. I've tried to get him to talk to me, but he dodges the subject or changes it. I'm looking at possibly cutting him loose. I know he's been my best friend for the last 10 years, but this is too much. He has no emotion what so ever, and any time he talks to me these days, it's always yelling. The only way I can get him to talk to me is by yelling, and then I feel horrible cuz he yelled.

God. I'm just frustrated.

I'm sitting in class typing this when I probbaly should be doing school work, because I just can't concentrate on it, besides, I got most of it done earlier. There's only case studies left....

I feel just so small and insignificant lately, and I feel like no one wants me lately. London is on and off the net, and I enjoy talking to him and he's dear to me, but he needs to be more attentive.


I just don't know what to do anymore.
I must have done something horrible in a past life to have this happen, like assassinate someone or something. Well, Karma's a bitch aint it?

I guess I'll stop there and stop boring you all.
Hopefully I'll feel better later.
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