Name: Scarlet
Age: Sixteen, which is not nearly as sweet as people were telling me it would be. XD
Describe your personality positively in seven words: Cheerful, accepting, practical, empathetic, humorous, smart, and um... nerdish in general? >>;
Describe your personality negatively in seven words: Lazy, procrastinator, stubborn, argumentive, misanthropic, pessimistic, and snarky.
Do you have any talents or special skills? I can name most wierd sexual kinks off the top of my head. >D
What do you do on your freetime, if you do have freetime? Surf LJ looking for fanfics, surf the Pit looking for fanfics, download anime, watch anime, read manga. XD;;
What annoys you? N00bs, bigots, people who can't spell, chatspeak and l33t in general. Oh, and getting answers wrong in school. XD;
What is important to you, in your life? Reading fanfiction. >> *sob* I know I'm pathetic! *sobsob*
How would your dream lifestyle be? Having a job that doesn't take too much effort, and spending the rest of my life watching anime, reading books (I have an appointment with the complete works of Shakespeare. XD), and writing fanfiction/novels.
Do you have a goal in life? If so, what is it? To die of old age.
What are your thoughts on yaoi love? Yaoi is awesome, and all of the Gintama opening songs are blatantly supporting GinShin. SEE THE LIIIIGHT! Love is great, and I'm really happy for those people who have found their significant others. ^_^ I'm not interested in getting married/dating, though. I'd rather have a dog. Dogs do what you tell them to. XD
What do you think of the Amantos? Prince Baka-- I mean, Hata is hilariously funny. As are most of the other Amanto. XD
Which Gintama characters do you like and why? Gintoki, because he is all I aspire to be. XD Also Shinpachi, because he is cute. And Okita, just because he is awesomer than awesome.
What is your favorite recurring joke? Okita trying to kill Hijikata. <3 It's a sign of their true love.
Find something special about you, and tell us about it. It can be a weird thing that happened to you, a strange habit, anything. I collect stuffed animals and name them after anime characters they resemble. XD
You can post a picture or two here, but please, no cosplay:
I'm camera shy. Seriously, my family hasn't taken a picture of me for over two years. Oo