Name: Rachel
Age: 22
Describe your personality positively in seven words: Devoted, self-sacrificing, caring, motherly, smiley, friendly, perceptive.
Describe your personality negatively in seven words: Envious, conceited, judgemental, bitchy, moody, gullible, lazy.
Do you have any talents or special skills? I like to think I'm a decent singer ... but whether it's true or not is unknown!! I also pick up dance rountines VERY quickly.
What do you do on your freetime, if you do have freetime? Go shopping, surf wikipedia, write fiction and fanfiction, draw fanart and original characters, go out socialising (drinking and clubbing, I'm afraid to say!), read classic novels (as well as Shonen Jump manga of course!), go to see stage shows.
What annoys you? Those TV commercials for toothpaste and toothbrushes that have the sound of brushing teeth in them ... makes me cringe so much! It's so unnecessary! T_T It's like someone scraping their nails down a chalkboard, only that doesn't affect me for some reason. Oh, and people who throw my friendship back in my face. That's just not nice.
What is important to you, in your life? To have fun with my friends, and to keep on dreaming and striving for my goals.
How would your dream lifestyle be? I'd love to be able to have as much of a crazy time as Gin-san and co.! XD But reeeeeaaaalistically, I'd like to be a stage actress who can get away with mimicking Japanese anime musicals (e.g, Tenimyu) and everyone thinks it's cute. :3
Do you have a goal in life? If so, what is it? To achieve the above! And to find someone, maybe like a soul-mate, who will respect my need for privacy and time to myself.
What are your thoughts on yaoi love? Just as valid as hetero love ... yet often it's much, much more hot. *_*
What do you think of the Amantos? I guess I kind of am an Amanto! The English are the most Amanto-like people on Earth, since we've loved taking over people's cultures and land for many many centuries. And we have tiger and frog heads too.
Which Gintama characters do you like and why? Katsura has always stood out to me, probably because of those rare yet classic moments of goofiness (like when he holds up a bra and says he's Santa ... XDD). But I must say, Kondo-san is probably the greatest, because he's goofy 24/7. <3
What is your favorite recurring joke? HAS to be Zura. Zura Zura Zura. Because when they alter it, it catches you off guard! Space Captain Zura da!
Find something special about you, and tell us about it. It can be a weird thing that happened to you, a strange habit, anything. I have to switch lamp switches on and off a few times in succession whenever I want the light off. Not ceiling-lights, just lamps. You know, to double check that they're well and truly off. XDD;;