Name: Amanda
Age: Ancient ;__; mid 20's
Describe your personality positively in seven words: dependable, creative, witty (despite what my cut tag says), intuitive, awesome, unique, sensible
Describe your personality negatively in seven words: lazy, obsessive, pessimistic, reclusive, judgmental, sadistic, procrastinator
Do you have any talents or special skills? Well... I think I'm pretty good at photography.
What do you do on your freetime, if you do have freetime? Video games, video games, video games. On occasion I have been known to read.
What annoys you? Honestly..? Pretty much everything.
What is important to you, in your life? Myself~ because I'm so self-absorbed. Only half kidding~ My family is really important to me.
How would your dream lifestyle be? Something that would satisfy my gluttonous and lazy ways.
Do you have a goal in life? If so, what is it? I'm sure I do, but at this juncture, I am currently unaware of what exactly it is.
What are your thoughts on yaoi love? Love is ridiculous. 9___6 durr wutz yahwees?
What do you think of the Amantos? They're furries and should be stopped.
Which Gintama characters do you like and why?Truthfully I like them all but I suppose I'll just regale you with a select few:
Gintoki: I liked him first because I'm a fag for white/silver haired characters (shallow, I know). Now it's just progressed because he's really a unique character and I like his development.
Okita: He's a snarky bastard who wants to kill his boss. What's not to like?
Otae: She's a bit psychotic and I can dig it.
What is your favorite recurring joke? Time machine, "Zura ja nai, Katsura da"... does nose picking count? Because I'm so into that.
Find something special about you, and tell us about it. It can be a weird thing that happened to you, a strange habit, anything.
Sometimes when I meet new people I pretend I'm from another country to see how long it'll take before they realize it's all a big farce. Not really, well I haven't done that in a while LOL. There's really not too much going on on my end.
You can post a picture or two here, but please, no cosplay: I really can't be arsed to find a non-cosplay picture.. oh wait okay
here's one XD