Interpretation as always. ;D
General Rules
•Only anime or manga images may be used. No fanart or doujinshi or cosplay images are allowed! Unless the images are purely your own(still no cosplay images). Artbook images are allowed
•You may submit up to 2 icons for the theme
•All submissions have to submit to Livejournal standards. Meaning they need to be 100x100 max by size and the maximum of 40KB
•Submissions have to be made fresh for the week's theme. Icons no older than 3 days maybe submitted
•DO NOT SHOW YOUR ICON SUBMISSIONS BEFORE OR DURING THE VOTING! All entrants will remain annoymous during the voting, and the names will be revealed with the winning icons post
•When submitting your icon(s), your submission should look like this: (icon goes here)
[ < img src= " icon URL goes here " > ]<--remove the spaces
•Submissions are screened
•Icons are due Friday August 10th @ 6PM EST, whereas the voting will be placed right after. ♥~