Life is short and you are hot... Or, what I've been up to lately!

Apr 14, 2010 19:55

 This isn't all today btw, just a general snappshot of mjy game and life :D

Work's fiiiiiine, as some of you recall I was prattling on about a meeting last week to decide whether I could move back to London or not in case of promotion, but annoyingly all I've got back so far is "we need to seeeeee on the budgeeeeet.." which is annoying, blah! Oh well, I'm loving the Easter hols at the museum anyway :)

But because I took myself off computer duty the last few days, I've been busy with..

WHAT?! You mean you DON'T take pictures of your DVDs in your kitchen?!

I was going to buy everything if the outcomne of said work meeting was postive, but because they're lagging I got it anyway :P £47 for series 1-4 and then £15 for the specials last week.. I'M A HAPPY GIN! ..Who now knocks four times before entering a room.

P.S. That green hoody in the background is my Legacy writing hoody XD

I also undertook some genetic alanysisof Generation Seven this afternoon in my very falling apart notebook #1:

Pink editing pens and bad handwriting ftw. YES I'VE BEEN PAINTING MY NAILS GOLD AND ROLLING THE DICE THANK YOU.

The dice was for my plantsim baby, Polgara, who you may remmeber I was experimenting with. Well now she's all grown up and is eek, Romance!

Dad Quentin seems to approve though! She's bi as I decided she's a bloomin' plant, and a single part has both male and felame reproductive organs she would probably just love everyone!

She's super shy though, with only two outgoing :)

"..Are you ever going to get sensibly dressed, darling?"

I also cured her without saving, just to see what she looked like/genetics pry:

You can certainly see her family genetics, but the pinched Ideal PS cheeks and elf ears make her look rather unique I think!

Anyway, here are some other random pics from my roations as of the last week:

Polgara's half-sister Dru teens up, and looks rather lovely! You'll be seeing her pop up in teen chapters. (Meloti --> Wesley --> Quentin --> Dru)

Marella has an odd choice of comapnion to celebrate getting her LTW! (Top Slacker)

Tempe: "You got me a PUPPY!"

"..This puppy is effin' mental."

Ara's spent a bunch of time painting dead relatives.

..I'm sure this must be some kind of prophecy. Somehow.

Shrews have been singing

..And violating my pure and innocent children.

Gethin's become a crazy stalker.

My says hi!

Lacey wins cousin of the year.


We all saw that?

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