Ok, a few things everyone.
1) I've recently come to realize something about heterosexual relationships. They're kinda revolting. -laughs- My squish also noticed it a few days ago and mentioned it. We both had a moment of 'wow, people really do that. Guys and girls together...I suppose it works'.
The analogy I used, was if you have two apples and two oranges on a table, it's usually the right decision to put the apples paired together and the oranges the same. Who would put an apple with an orange and think that it's right? -sigh- Maybe being with a woman has changed my mind. I'm happier now though, so it could just be a personal thing, but really, there's no hang-ups about a lesbian relationship. No pregnancies, for one. Eww...babies.
2) I'm FUCKING TIRED of sex selling shit on television, billboards, on the radio and everywhere else you can slap an ad. Men society deem as handsome selling ketchup? Half naked, anorexic women selling body wash? I don't think so. I don't want all of this garbage shoved in my face. Celebrities will apparently sell anything if they're paid enough and as far as I'm concerned, I'll purposely buy less advertised products just so I don't use the shit they like.
3) If I see one more goddamn pregnant women on television, I'm going to cancel our cable connection and go back to reading books all night. I am a woman, I have reproductive organs. I DO NOT WISH TO USE THEM, EVER. I will not add to the already crowded planet and I do not support those who do. No, I will not say hello to your child. No, I will not rub your belly or say 'Oh, when are you due and what's the sex of the child?'. Yes, I am obviously not a child loving person. I am considered 'child-free', which means NO BABIES, KTHNX. Pregnant women are DISGUSTING. THERE'S A PARASITE LIVING INSIDE OF YOU. If it wasn't going to be a living being after it's spewed out into the world, you would've had it removed and destroyed by now.
4) In other news, I worked my ass off today. I was up at 9:30 (where as I'm usually awake around 11am on weekends) and I made two batches of Chinese pork and green onion wontons. They were put away into the freezer and I immediately moved on to laundry. I've finished two loads now and I've cleaned my bedroom, the kitchen and my bathroom while waiting for the dryer to finish. I've had seven cups of coffee and I just sat down to relax with my eighth, watch Kitchen Nightmares and maybe do a bit of writing.
Otherwise, I'm in a good mood. XD