Con Report!

May 27, 2009 00:38

All right, here it is. The item you've all been waiting for. My Anime North 2009 con report:

-worked from 8am-4:30pm
-bought fruit, snacks and drinks before going home to finish packing
-packed everything into the car in the dark, except for the weapons and wigs
-in bed by midnight but awake again around 12:30am-1am, when John and Athena arrived at Lydia's in Buffalo
-slept through until 6am and woke with a headache

-packed the wigs, weapons and myself into the car and drove to St. Catharines, met up with the Americans, where Bon, Silky and Lydia were picked up
-went to a bead store for Athena, found out that John likes magnets a little TOO much
-followed by Athena and John to Toronto, where they promptly got lost and met up with us at the hotel about five minutes after we got there, somewhere around 12:30pm-1pm
-checked in (NO PROBLEMS THIS YEAR), unpacked both cars and loaded all of our shit into the room, then proceeded to have a rest
-unpacked whatever we needed to and then went for lunch at Perkins (GODDAMN YOU FRENCH TOAST)
-went back to the room and got dressed into Vaizard Shinji, then made our way to the Doubletree for pre-pre-reg and weapons check
-got another killer migraine and stomachache, then proceeded to be violently ill in the bathroom(GODDAMN YOU STARCH) then checked weapon and went back to the hotel for a nap
-slept for an hour or so to get rid of the headache, took too many pills and then acted loopy for the rest of the night
-cuddled John while Lydia cuddled Gary, learned the Chinese phrase for 'FOR THE HORDE!'. It is apparently pronounced 'FO DA HAUT'. Thanks, Gary. Just keep shoving those stereotypes at us, we love it.
-enjoyed Ben's company, until he had to leave and said he'd be back, THEN WASN'T. DAMN YOU, BEN.
-finally got to bed after midnight, possibly closer to 1am or 2am, slept right through until the alarm went off at 8:00am

-woke at the sound of the alarm and got up, waited for Cam and the boys to arrive, only a few doors down from us in the hotel
-dressed as Captain Shinji
-while the boys were getting dressed, we went to Tim Hortons for coffee/tea/fewds
-wandered around in front of the TCC until Cam texted and said they had arrived, so Athena and I went back to help them get dressed
-went back to the TCC so the boys could get their badges and weapons checked
-let them go to get their food and Athena and I wandered the dealer's room, while the other's wandered elsewhere
-bought an adorable Gin plushie keychain from pheleon, random swag and 2 Yami no Matsuei doujinshi that I've been hunting for
-waited around for over an hour to find everybody else, visited the artist's alley and visited some friends
-went back to the hotel, argued a little about where the hell everyone had gotten to, made up
-had epic dinners at Perkins, including epic blueberry ice cream sundaes and chocolate chip cookie sundaes
-rest of the night was a blur, mostly to do with drinking, back massages, raep and faggot-tree
-watched youtube videos while making a butt-skirt for John's Zokalo costume
-in bed around midnight-1am

-woken up at 7:30am by Bon, who was knocking like a madman looking for safety pins
-went back to bed and slept until the alarms went off at 8:30
-waited for the bathroom to empty out so binding could be done, then dressed as Hueco Mundo Gin for the Bleach photoshoot at 11am
-walked to the Radisson to get Gary and forgot his sword, gave him a room key and he walked back for it himself, then showed up to the shoot fashionably, Aizen-esquely late
-suffered through THE most unorganized photoshoot I've EVER had the displeasure of participating in
-left after the entire place cleared out about a half hour into it
-wandered back into the enormous line for the dealer's room and wandered around there for a few hours, buying more random swag and then heading back to the hotel for a costume change, deciding upon Vaizard Shinji and going back to the dealer's room AGAIN, where Athena and I plopped down on a curb and waited while John and Lydia went back in for HiChew, some kind of OMGWTFBBQSECKS candy from Japan
-went back to the hotel and got out of costume around 5pm, went for dinner at Perkins again
-went back to the con in Schoolboy Shinji and met up with Charlene and Ben, who was dressed as epic Hollow Ichigo, with the bullhorns
-wandered the artist's alley a little, bought squish a Zack/Cloud/Sephiroth print, lost Silky then found her just before going BACK into the dealer's room
-checked EVERY dealer selling figurines to see if they had a Zack Fair figure, FINALLY found one at the VERY BACK of the damn place, bought it for squish and made her happy
-wandered for a little longer, then finally retired back to the hotel, where we stayed in costume and John went swimming, so we had a small party with booze and snacks beside the indoor pool, taking ghey videos and pictures of him in the water the whole time
-went back to the room and got back into regular clothes, then went to Perkins AGAIN, this time for munchies, which they provided deliciously (YEY CLUB SAMMICH)
-bothered the boys in their room, attempted to steal their pizza but failed
-fiddled around, had a few more drinks, got a little too loopy and we were all pretty much dead and in bed by 12:30am-1am (WE SUCK AT STAYING AWAKE AT CON, SHUT UP), slept through until the alarms went off again at 8:30am, but slept a little longer until closer to 9am

-woke up and started to pack, leaving everyone to clean up their own stuff
-finally got into Schoolboy Gaou just before finishing the car loading stuffs
-checked out and did a final room check, then left the car in the hotel parking lot
-Tim Hortons run, though we didn't end up buying anything because it was packed
-went back to the con for one last run-through of the dealer's room
-no deals to be found, no sexy Gravitation doujinshi for me, as the Yaoi guy's shipment never did come in over the weekend. He was pissed.
-visited with everyone we could find for the last time, then gathered everyone up and headed back to the hotel
-crossed the very busy Dixon road for gas and then got onto the highway, wishing Anime North a final goodbye as the hotel and TCC disappeared behind us
-drove the hour long drive back to Grimsby, where we stopped at the Gateway and got lunch (YEY POUTINE) and shopped for souvenirs for Athena's coworkers
-met up with the boys there, which was awesome and weird, as they left way later than us from the con
-finally left them after an hour or so of extra sitting around and shooting the shit, and drove to St. Catharines, where we dropped off Bon and Silky and sat on Bon's lawn for a little while just enjoying each other's company
-said goodbye to Lydia, John and Athena and drove to the QEW, stopping at the lights to wave goodbye, then drove in opposite directions to get onto the highway, thus ending the awesome weekend
-arrived home about 7:30pm-8pm, unpacked the car, said hello to the family and then proceeded to watch the most depressing, muse-crushing movie evar
-went to bed around 11pm, in a deep fit of depression because A) con had ended for another year and B) Angeal muse was bawling his eyes out and burying himself in his blankets, not a good night
-slept through until work started at 8am Monday morning, thus returning me to the everyday, normal, bullshittery of life

That's about it. For details, ask specific questions here or on my messengers. Pictures have been uploaded to my photobucket account, but the link won't be posted until I've gotten the pics from everybody else in the group.

anime north 2009, con report, faggot-tree

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