Title: Best Served Cold Author: ginzai Genre: Gen, fluff Characters: Sam, Dean Spoilers: None past early S1 Word Count: ~2450 Summary: Sam gets sweet, sweet revenge.
Ha! Thanks for commenting! I've the feeling that Sam would vastly prefer to let the punishment fit the crime and best of all, he even managed to get Dean to eat something healthy for once. *g*
Yup. Pudding made with tofu actually does exist and I can attest that, when made properly, it's actually really, really tasty. Very smooth and silky. Dean never stood a chance. *g*
My understanding is that one of the best things about tofu pudding is that it's pretty much ridiculously healthy for you, especially if it's sweetened with Splenda and not sugar. The stuff I had was pretty diet friendly; I just wish I'd gotten the recipe back when I had it.
I'm glad you liked! As much as it's fun to explore Sam and Dean's rocky relationship now, it's kind of relaxing to go back a few years to when things were a bit easier. Glad Sam's revenge worked for you as well!
Comments 59
Hee! Very cute. I'd say Sam handled his revenge quite well.
It was for Dean's own good, after all. ;-)
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And I got a great laugh out of it too! Tofu pudding! What a great revenge.
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