HOLY SHIT, YOU ARE AMAZING!!! You should have heard my squealing when I saw these, OMG! They're perfect! Memorable coming out of the bandom closet indeed :D
I'm totally stealing the animated icon. The idea of passing a kiss on is adorable and GSF is my second favorite pairing right after Brendon/Spencer!
I'm going to go rec this post all over the place now, just so you know :) A couple of friends already admired the first picture on my cell phone and I'm sure they'll be thrilled to see you've drawn more!
:) Yay! I'm so glad you liked it! Feel free to use any icons. You have totally converted me to the Spencer/Brendon love, (although I will basically read anything with Brendon in it, I am easy that way... maybe my OTP is Brendon/everybody... not necessarily at once *_*)
Thank you for reccing the art! *blushes* and for encouraging me, I often need some support with my I art before i post it to the world.
And speaking of support: I support *you* making bandom art! (what? A girl can hope...)
Brendon is like the little black dress of bandom. I'd read him with just about anybody too. Have you seen the Brendon/Shia LeBoeuf fic for instance? That one was pretty awesome! But Brendon/Spencer will always be my favorite and I'm so happy you like them too :D
Speaking of support, I did finish one of my WIPs today but I'm absolutely not sure about it. Basically I completely messed up with the watercolors and tried to fix it with some creative mixed media and photoshop and I fear now it just looks awkward an too pretentiously art-y. I'd be super grateful if you could take a look at it and tell me if it sucks!
:) Of course I'd love to take a look at your art! I always do! And I know just how tricky Photoshop is, that is why I am back to markers and watercolors.
And I have not seen this fic you speak about... link?
Here via milenaa's reccing :D These are awesome!!! Why did you wait so long to come out of the bandom closet? You'll have to make amend and post more of these. Ok? Ok.
:) I will do my best to have more art to share soon!
I wasn't in hiding for very long... maybe since January? I became addicted to bandom over the course of one weekend... *flails* (after having been admiring the fanart from afar for a while...)
Aw they're cute. I seem to be immune to bandom. Perhaps as i came through bandom rpf-mary sue style and i've got it out my system. Ncis gibbs_dinozzo slash however....... Cue the facepalm
Hehehe! Gibs and Dinozzo sneak up on you! I am a Abby/Gibs!shipper myself, but I will sometimes read some of their slash and enjoy the slashiness of the show. I mean seriously there was *mouth to mouth* only Due South had gone that far before...
I fell into bandom through FANART... and a fancomic: thegaystarfish chapter one is here. And then I read a wonderful AU without know who ANYONE was (you can read the story and understand it regardless, but I had a kick whe re-reading after having more information) where one of the guys has STIGMATA. *seconds the facepalm*
Also, the canon is STRANGER THAN FICTION.
(Not that I am trying to lure you or anything...) there are BAD fics out there, but there are also realy amazing ones. And several people we know from SGA... bandom is like Fight Club, until you join, you don't know who else is there...
heh I already had that in NCIS, blackchaps went .... hey I'm used to you on SGA
eeeeeep, didn't think I was that well known
heh there's always badfic, no matter where you go. Just I can tell without trying with SGA now....new fandoms look scary!
Heh I need to rewatch Due South, I watched it on TV here but never saw the ones with Ray K (though have been told about the awesome aweome goodness, and the fact the actors don't help themselves)
OMG, you will love Due South and then you must go and read everything cesperanza has written for them, because it is made of cuddles and awesomess and SHE HAS A FIC WHERE THEY ADOPT 6 children and it is not bad! It is absolutely adorable!
I love Veccio due South because of the bizarre situations, but it is with Ray that Fraser lives to his full potential and gets *angry* and wears a tux and... *loves*! And they fight and it is awesome! (also, the 6 degrees are awesome too Slings and Arrows and Men with Brooms are in my DVD collection)
Merlin is fanfic... ON TV... really. It more charming than you expect and then it is awesome. And the guys are funny but they sell you the story and the characters and the relationships. And it becomes one big TEAM!fic somewhere along the line. Yes.
I have only skimmed the fanfics because I was dazzled by bandom, but some awesome writers are there like astolat and rageprufrock (she has this contemporary AU of wonderfulness where Arthur and Uther and Morgana are the English royal family and there are magazine manips and tabloids
( ... )
OMG! You're replying to my art! And I was trying to see how to write to you and ask you if it's be ok to draw you some art for your stories!
Forever, Now is actually the reason I started loving Panic!fic (I love their music, but until I read that story I was in the My Chem corner almost exclusively). And then I read your other stuff and... *flails*.
So I guess you wouldn't mind some art?
Anyway, thank you for the lovely comment! And I hope you enjoy the icon!
Ahahaha, that's fantastic; I had no idea who Panic were when I wrote that, and Brendon is only in it by accident because airgiodslv kept making me watch interviews and I thought, "Oh, the little one with glasses is ADORABLE." So THANK YOU, I am most happy to share the Panic love! <33
I absolutely wouldn't mind AT ALL, I would be so flattered! Bandom seems to attract SUCH talented artists. (I don't know if I mentioned this forty times yet, but your Brendon and Spencer drawing there is really cute.)
Comments 69
You should have heard my squealing when I saw these, OMG! They're perfect! Memorable coming out of the bandom closet indeed :D
I'm totally stealing the animated icon. The idea of passing a kiss on is adorable and GSF is my second favorite pairing right after Brendon/Spencer!
I'm going to go rec this post all over the place now, just so you know :) A couple of friends already admired the first picture on my cell phone and I'm sure they'll be thrilled to see you've drawn more!
Thank you for reccing the art! *blushes* and for encouraging me, I often need some support with my I art before i post it to the world.
And speaking of support: I support *you* making bandom art! (what? A girl can hope...)
Speaking of support, I did finish one of my WIPs today but I'm absolutely not sure about it. Basically I completely messed up with the watercolors and tried to fix it with some creative mixed media and photoshop and I fear now it just looks awkward an too pretentiously art-y. I'd be super grateful if you could take a look at it and tell me if it sucks!
And I have not seen this fic you speak about... link?
These are awesome!!! Why did you wait so long to come out of the bandom closet? You'll have to make amend and post more of these. Ok? Ok.
:) I will do my best to have more art to share soon!
I wasn't in hiding for very long... maybe since January? I became addicted to bandom over the course of one weekend... *flails* (after having been admiring the fanart from afar for a while...)
to be immune to bandom.
Perhaps as i came
through bandom rpf-mary
sue style and i've got it
out my system. Ncis
gibbs_dinozzo slash
however....... Cue the
I fell into bandom through FANART... and a fancomic: thegaystarfish chapter one is here. And then I read a wonderful AU without know who ANYONE was (you can read the story and understand it regardless, but I had a kick whe re-reading after having more information) where one of the guys has STIGMATA. *seconds the facepalm*
Also, the canon is STRANGER THAN FICTION.
(Not that I am trying to lure you or anything...) there are BAD fics out there, but there are also realy amazing ones. And several people we know from SGA... bandom is like Fight Club, until you join, you don't know who else is there...
heh I already had that in NCIS, blackchaps went .... hey I'm used to you on SGA
eeeeeep, didn't think I was that well known
heh there's always badfic, no matter where you go. Just I can tell without trying with SGA now....new fandoms look scary!
Heh I need to rewatch Due South, I watched it on TV here but never saw the ones with Ray K (though have been told about the awesome aweome goodness, and the fact the actors don't help themselves)
Still not watched Merlin however!!
I love Veccio due South because of the bizarre situations, but it is with Ray that Fraser lives to his full potential and gets *angry* and wears a tux and... *loves*! And they fight and it is awesome! (also, the 6 degrees are awesome too Slings and Arrows and Men with Brooms are in my DVD collection)
Merlin is fanfic... ON TV... really. It more charming than you expect and then it is awesome. And the guys are funny but they sell you the story and the characters and the relationships. And it becomes one big TEAM!fic somewhere along the line. Yes.
I have only skimmed the fanfics because I was dazzled by bandom, but some awesome writers are there like astolat and rageprufrock (she has this contemporary AU of wonderfulness where Arthur and Uther and Morgana are the English royal family and there are magazine manips and tabloids ( ... )
...sorry, I'm on vacation and a little giddy. But I'm totally taking that icon when I get home. These are FANTASTIC! <3
Forever, Now is actually the reason I started loving Panic!fic (I love their music, but until I read that story I was in the My Chem corner almost exclusively). And then I read your other stuff and... *flails*.
So I guess you wouldn't mind some art?
Anyway, thank you for the lovely comment! And I hope you enjoy the icon!
I absolutely wouldn't mind AT ALL, I would be so flattered! Bandom seems to attract SUCH talented artists. (I don't know if I mentioned this forty times yet, but your Brendon and Spencer drawing there is really cute.)
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