Name: Emily
Location: Spain
Status: Single
Promote this Community to at least 2 other places and leave a link: & Favorites
Song: At the minute JoJo - Baby its you.
Place to Shop: Forever 21 & Abercrombie (If your wondering if I get these stores in Spain I don't. I get the stuff online)
Movie: Mean girls (:
Color: Baby Blue & Baby Pink.
Just To Know...
Describe yourself in 5 words: Girly,Funny,Happy,Crazy (In a good way =P),Loving.
What do you think of your mod: I don't know her but shes really pretty.
Why Should We Accept You: because Im just SO fetch. haha no, just kidding. because I'll be active and promote :)
Post at least 3 ~ 5 Pictures of Yourself