The Basics
Name: Hayley
Age: 19
Gender: Femaleeee
Location: Indianapolis
Your Weaknesses: everybody thinks im mean...uh...i guess it's true sometimes i can get oaaotihaethietTACO. and I have a tendency if im watching something, perhaps like a fight, i'll tell the person standing next to me what's going to happen. persay, "oh look he gon hit him with a chair. he gon hit him! watch! watch! I TOLD YOU HE WAS GON HIT HIM WITH A CHAIR!" yeah..
Your Strengths: oh. i use big words! such as therefore and thus and ...addition! oh, and im excellent at making up stories and sarcasm. but i also take control and im more of a leader than a follower. that sounds cliche. oh well.
Your Talents: I can hum and it makes a ton of people mad!
What color matches your personality? Why? Grey. Im inbetween a lot of things.
What place(s) do you like to spend time in the best? Why? my a sometimes-loner. and i just like it because its quiet.
Other than Girl, Interrupted, what is/are your favorite movie(s)? Why? Constantine, because I love Keanu Reeves. Walk The Line, because Reese Witherspoon and Joaquin Phoenix make me happy.
What is/are your favorite book(s)? Why? The Funny Thing Is... by Ellen DeGeneres. Because uh. ED owns me kthx.
If you could only watch one television show for the rest of your life what would it be? Prison Break!
What is your favorite thing to eat?Taco Bell. anything.
Girl Interrupted Related
Which character (no matter how obscure) would you like to be your best friend? Why? Val. She's a leader.
Which character (no matter how obscure) would probably be your enemy or rival? Why? Daisy. Aha. Well, because she's a bitchface.
Imagine that you’ve been sent to Claymoore. What would be the hardest thing to adjust to? (meds, rules, the other patients etc.) The doctors and other paitents. and the fact that im now confined to a building with a bunch of other women with problems different from my own.
If you have any personality quirks or even mental illness(es) that you don't mind sharing, tell us about them! See Weaknesses
Digging Deeper
If you knew that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do? Apologize to everyone ive ever hurt. unless i really did hate them. psh. eff that.
Put the following words in order according to your priorities : Self, Money, Love, Power, Family . (Power, Money, Self, Family, Love)
Promote the community in one place and show us the link. Visual Aid
If you'd like to share a picture, put it here.
Anything else you'd like to share with the class? Sharpton for President, ya'll