The Basics
Name: Haley Philippi
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Location: Dayton, Ohio
Your Weaknesses: Talking too much, Worrying
Your Strengths: love for my friends, comforting
Your Talents: Writing, Acting
What color matches your personality? Why?: This is a difficult question. I'm going to go with Burgundy or Purple. I tend to lean toward a lot of darker things, you could say, and both colours are very dramatic, and I'm all about the dramatic.
What place(s) do you like to spend time in the best? Why?: I spend 90% of my time sitting here in front of my computer. I like to be anywhere except my house with my friends. And I love to be in colorado (just not to live)
Other than Girl, Interrupted, what is/are your favorite movie(s)? Why?: Amelie - because it's an amazing movie, artful, creepy, amazing. Dogma - I love the Jersey flicks to tell you the truth. But Dogma was my favourite of those if for no other reasons than Alan Rickman, and the line "It's not what you believe, it's THAT you believe". The Princess Bride - it's the best of both worlds. It's girly, about love, and all that. It's got sports, fights, murder and pirates. And it's hilarious.
What is/are your favorite book(s)? Why?: Harry Potter - one of my many passions. I love the Potterverse. "Feeling Sorry for Celia" - great book, kind of a "feelgood" book. Totally letter form. any books by David Sedaris, because he is AMAZING and hilarious. And I actually love the book "Girl, Interrupted"
If you could only watch one television show for the rest of your life what would it be?: I can't decide between CSI, Scrubs, and Fullmetal Alchemist.
What is your favorite thing to eat?: Pizza. I'm not picky as to what kind, as long as there are no mushrooms, olives, or peppers on it.
Girl Interrupted Related
Which character (no matter how obscure) would you like to be your best friend? Why?: Lisa. I actually have a friend in real life who reminds me a lot of Lisa...minus the drugs. I know how to deal with a lot of the things she'd say or do, she also strikes me as the most interesting.
Which character (no matter how obscure) would probably be your enemy or rival? Why?: Susanna's mum, Dais, and Janet. Susanna's mum is one of those stereotypical yuppies that think they own the world and I hate that. Dais is too antisocial, and I have some antisocial friends, but Dais is stupid too. And Janet....well I understand that she "can't help it" but Anorexia makes me mad.
Imagine that you’ve been sent to Claymoore. What would be the hardest thing to adjust to? (meds, rules, the other patients etc.): Checks. Everything else I could handle But I would hate to be watched over and have someone pop in every 5 or 10 minutes to see what I'm up to. Not that I'm a loner, I just hate being WATCHED.
If you have any personality quirks or even mental illness(es) that you don't mind sharing, tell us about them!: I'm convinced that I'm selectively OCD. Not like everything in my life must be Just So or I freak out...but I have random obsessive tics. Examples: at stores I HAVE to touch everything that catches my eye. pick it up, mess with it, poke it, if I don't when I see it, I will eventually have to run back and do so. I HAVE to chew on things. I HAVE to sway back and forth randomly (it's not possible for me to sit stilly). I only JUST got out of the habit that I HAVE to click my teeth. and I always have to touch my hair.
Digging Deeper
If you knew that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do?: By any means possible I would force the closest of my close friends to come see me or come get me so we coudl spend the last moments of my life together.
Put the following words in order according to your priorities : Self, Money, Love, Power, Family :: Love, Family, Self, Money, Power
Promote the community in one place and show us the link.: Visual Aid
If you'd like to share a picture, put it here.
I have a few.
My friend and I were having fun with stage makeup. you can't exactly see the job there, but I LOVED the way the picture turned out. Oh, and that's not a cut or a bruise under my eye. it's makeup. and the smudge on my chest is a very tiny Ankh tattoo.
This was actually taken today. I had a friend's party to go to so I dressed up a little and took the time to do my makeup beyond just eyeliner (which I never leave the house without)
I look slightly angry, funnily enough I was just trying to give an example as to how to myspace whore with my camera phone and got this. This was Pre-dyejob (my hair is now black.)
Anything else you'd like to share with the class?: Negatory