Thankyou indeed for the heartfelt comment, greatly appreciated. Your flair with words is truely inspiring! What's happening with you right now, do you still live in Aveley? I can't say I've actually seen you or heard anything of you since school perhaps? I think I may have seen your Dad over Easter when I was back in town..? Was lovely to hear from you.. I have a myspace if you have one and would like to converse there, much easier for me than this livebefuddle. It's 'zestimilia' - and thankyou for my first comment ever! I do not mind if you have added me to your friends, commented or whatnot - I am rather quite grateful, maybe this shall motivate me to write more babble on here! Take care, Laura. X
Comments 21
I love you, faerie.
Send me your address:
you are a shockingly beautiful creature, in every sense.
would you like another friend?
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