Book Release

Apr 07, 2020 13:15

Hi all!

I've been pretty quiet on the fannish front for a couple of years now, but I've been working on something that I'm excited to share.

About a year ago, I had the idea for a book that was "What if Georgette Heyer, but gay and in space?" So I wrote that book.

The Earl and the Executive is about a aeromech professor who inherits his brother ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

azewewish April 7 2020, 23:47:24 UTC
I love every single thing about the premise - congrats!!! :D


girl_wonder April 7 2020, 23:52:07 UTC
Thanks! I was just thinking about you! I was telling my husband the story of how you got me on the phone with Christian Kane at one of his concerts and I didn’t even know what to say. You at the same email?


azewewish April 8 2020, 00:06:47 UTC
Hahaha, those were good times! And yes, if by same email you mean brenda at broadwriting dot com :)


girl_wonder April 8 2020, 00:01:25 UTC
Actually, it turns out I can’t find your email? Lol. Email me at fryadvocate at gmail if you’d like to catch up?


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