Quizzy-meme-Survey things are like candy

Dec 08, 2005 11:42

Gacked from Justin. Also, totally not edited for spelling; deal with it.

1)Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower? I'm fairly certain I haven't. I don't really have a problem with the idea, though.

2) Does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive? Hmm. I guess it depends on the person. But you know what automatically makes someone at least a fraction more attractive? Motorcycles. Yes, I'm shallow. BUT MOTORCYCLES ARE SO PRETTTY!!! DDD:

3) How old do you look? I have no idea. I think possibly younger than I am.

4) How old do you act? Aha. Does "insane" have an age level?

5) What's the last song you sang? Well, the last song I actually sanf all the way through was probably something off of the Buffy the Musical soundtrack.

6) Do you have a crazy uncle? Mostly no. I have some interesting uncles, but none of them are completely crazy.

7) Have you ever smuggled something into america? ....no? I mean, I've brought things from others countries back to the U.S., but I'm fairly certain they were all legal...

8) Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot? I guess I probably have, but most of the times I remember I get my foot oout of the way before the soap hits the ground. This is probably due to the fact that, in karate, when things fall out of your hand, it is a really bad idea to let them fall on your feet. Thus, you learn to be very quick about moving them out of the way.

9) Do you live in a city with a good sports team? I have no idea.

10) Have you ever finished off the popcorn and ate the junk from the bottom? The unpopped popcorn? On occasion.

11) You ever had sex in a tent? That would be a no. Most of the places you end up using tents for/in get rather cold. I don't think that'd be particularly pleasant.

12) What about in a boat? Nope.

13) Have you ever dated a goth? No.

14) Can you fix your own car? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no.

15) Would you kill george w. bush yourself if you were guaranteed to get away with it? Well, see, that's just dumb. The clever thing to do would be to force him to change all of his ass-hat laws and institute some better ones, then force him to resign from office. Clearly, if I killed him, there would be this big uproar and he would be made a martyr and the Bush Administration would go to town with that fact and we'd end up with even more ass-hat laws. And possibly another moronic war. So, no.

16) Should guys wear pink? I think the question is, "Shouldanyone wear pink?" and the answer would be "NO."

17) Do you smoke? Nope.

18) Are you a lover or a fighter? Fighter.

19) What's your worst fear? Hmmm. I think immortality would kinda suck. Also, having to get married. That would suck as well. But neither of those are very likely.

20) As a kid, were you a lego maniac? I liked them alright. I was big on Duplos when I was really little.

21) Do you like reality tv? Pretty much no.

22) Chew on straws? Yeah, sure.

23) Were you a cute baby? Well, I don't know if I think babies are really cute at all. Toddlers, maybe. It's possible that I was a cute toddler. In a mischievious sort of way.

24) What's your favorite color? Black, followed by red, followed by blues and greens I guess.

25) What color is your keyboard? Black.

26) Do you sing in the shower? No. Why is this question on so many survey things?

27) Have you ever bungee jumped? Sadly, I have not.

28) Any secret talents? I...don't think so...

29) What's your ideal vacation spot? JAPAN. Theoretically. Also, I like woodsy places where I can just go off for hours. And Baby Lake, which is the place where we go camping every summer (mostly) is pretty great.

30) Can you swim? Yeah.

31) Have you seen the movie "donnie darko"? Yes, but I found it a bit over-rated.

32) Do you care about the o-zone? Ha. There's actually a funny story about that. When I was little, five or so, I would always forget my jacket/lunchbox/etc. at school. One time, my mom got mad and said, "Rachael, why do you always forget your things at school?!" or something, and my clever reply was, "I have bigger things to worry about! Like the hole in the o-zone layer!" I was a funny kid.

33) How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? I think I used to try to find out, but I always got impatient somewhere around the one-hundred-fifties.

34) Can you say the alphabet backwards? If I had enough time to think about it. I think I used to be able to do it fairly quickly.

35) Have you ever been on an airplane? Quite a lot.

36) Are you an only child? Yes.

37) Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpener? Electric.

38) Do you like your handwriting? Well, sometimes no, because it's kind of crappy, but sometimes yes, because it's kind of crappy. And this is somehow a source of pride for me.

39). What are you allergic to? Nothing, to my knowledge.

40). When was the last time you said i love you? ................................Ummmmmmmmm......I guess I probably said it in an offhand way the last time I talked to my parents....

41). Do you cry at weddings? No. I get bored at weddings. I don't think even the free cake makes weddings fun.

42). How do you like your eggs cooked? Scrambled, sunny-side-up, over-easy...not big on hard-boiled.

43) What time is it? 12:07.
44) Do you have a nickname? Technically, RaeAnn is a nickname.

45) Is mcdonald's disgusting? No. I mean yes; it's clearly made of utter crap, but some people happen to find crap in the shape of messy hamburgers appetizing. People who harp on the evils of fast food sort of bug me. Alright, sure, you don't know what's in it and you'd probably kill yourself if you did, but I'n bettin' that's true for most food anyway. IT IS TASTY AND DELICIOUS. GET OVER IT.

46). When was the last time you were in a car? Dunno. Maybe when I was picking people up from the airport.

47). Do you prefer baths or showers? I guess showers.

48). Are you afraid of the dark? I was when I was little, like most kids. But that's about it.

49). What are you addicted to? Junk food, anime, fanfiction, etc. Quirky, fandom-based vices that are only a danger for my sanity, not my body.

50). Crunchy or creamy peanut butter? Generally creamy, but chunky is fun every onec in a while.

51). Can you crack your neck? Sometimes. But I prefer to say "pop your neck."

52). Have you ever rode in an ambulance? I have not.

53). How many times have you brushed your teeth today? Not yet. I'm working on it.

54). Is drug free the way to be? Works for me.

55) Are you a heavy sleeper? I think I'm a medium sleeper. Although it usually takes me forever to fall asleep.

56) What color are your eyes?? Gah, I always hate this question. They're this really weird swampy brown-green.

57) Last inside joke? Jesus christ, I don't know.

58) Do you like your life? Sure.

59) Have you read "catcher in the rye"? Nope.

60) Do you play any instruments? I enjoy blowing over soda bottle, but other than that...

61) Have u ever stolen anything? I think I accidentally took some beads from the bead store when I was about eight. I figured, if they were on the floor, they were fair game.

62) Can you snowboard? I've never tried. But I'd probably fall over in a comical and embarassing way.

63) Do you like camping? Very much so.

64) Do u snort when u laugh? Why does this question alone have the "u" thing? Anyway, I don't think so. Not as a rule.

65) Do you believe in magic? Well, see, that's opening a much bigger can of worms than I really want to at this point.

66) Are dogs a man's best friend? Aside from the EXTREME SEXISM of this question...sure, why not? I like dogs. When they belong to other people.

67) You believe in divorce? No, divorce is clearly a myth.

68) Do you make a lot of mistakes? I...suppose...?

69) Is it cold outside today? Haven't been outside yet.

70) What was the last thing you ate? Let's see, that would be...Burger King, I think.

71) Do you wear nail polish? Haven't in about six years.

72) What's the most annoying tv commercial? You know, I really dislike the Arby's commercials, even though I love Arby's food.

73) Do you shop at american eagle? No.

74) do you like chicken? I like chicken alright. I prefer beef, but whatever.

75) If you could be with one person right now who would it be? MY CAT! She counts because I say so.
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