Title: A Niggle In His Tranquility Author: girldevil Pairing: yoosu/junchun Genre: fluff Rating: pg Length: one shot Summary: Yoochun finds peace in an odd place, a busy cafe where none can bother him until someone unintentionally did.
this was really well written. and go junsu with his frwardness and jaejae with his threats hehe :p i like how junsu breaks thru chunnies concentration.
Haha, you waited in starbucks for so long? I don't think i can sit alone at a cafe for too long, afraid of being chased out. xD Thank you for writing this though!
I'm glad Junsu is the one who 'disturbed' Yoochun =) Yeah Junsu is the one that made the first move ne, but still he has the hint of innocence around him. So to me it's still more Yoosu but a slightly different and refreshing kind /grins
Ah really? Hmmm...I still fail as a writer, I need to form a person's character completely and portray him as how I want him to be. But glad it still turned out well!
Comments 37
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i like how junsu breaks thru chunnies concentration.
and it works both ways for yoosu and junchun :)
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment, I really appreciate it! ^.^
Thank you so much for reading! ^.^
Thank you so much for reading! ^.^
Lulz Suuuu~ XDDD
I love Chun's "reader/writer critic" hobby/profession 8DDDD
Glad you enjoyed the fic!
Thank you so much for reading and commenting! ^.^
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