This started out as a simple comment reply to the post referenced below, but it kept growing until it felt tangential enough to warrant a post on my own journal, rather than monopolizing someone else's. If anyone's a lover of irony, it should be noted that the last time I posted was back on June 3, which was to rec a story with the pairing (which
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Comments 49
And the epic wars of noromo vs. het vs. slash and pairing vs pairing. Yeah, I don't consider SPN a particularly wanky fandom at all, just a big fandom and prone to all the drama a big fandom ALWAYS gets.
just a big fandom and prone to all the drama a big fandom ALWAYS gets.
Exactly. It's not the show, or the current plotline, or the actors, or the 'ships that make it drama-filled. It's simply the fans themselves who've done the same thing in every big fandom there ever was. Until fans make different choices, it's going to be anonymeme, rinse, repeat regardless of where you hang your hat.
Ha! Icon love! I want to see Dean wearing an I Want To Believe t-shirt someday.
Me toooooo!
On the old Fox Forum people separated themselves into "families" which I guess was the equivalent of today's flists. Some of them were inherently meeen, the X-Files fandom version of Slytherin.
And man, it's now got to the point where I feel SPN has been fighting this perception FOREVER. Like... years from now instead of "remember the Ray Wars" or "remember Haircutgate (Sentinel)" it'll be "remember when everyone thought SPN fen were all nutters"? *sigh*
I think SPN has been THE big fandom for, what, five years now? So yeah, in fandom that is definitely FOREVER, and we've been the whipping boy for all that is wrong in fandom for all that time. It's not our show, it's the fans. And someday it'll be the fans of ANOTHER show unless everyone makes different decisions about how they interact.
Fandomsecrets is another place filled with "SPN=Cray-cray" offerings.
I wish I was going to Wincon now. I would *totally* be giving Fandom History 101 as my presentation.
Definitely true...but it's also an interesting place to track fandom trends and how a given fandom changes over time as it becomes bigger and more crowded and divisive and wankier.
The becoming bigger and more crowded concept is something I mentioned in dotfic's post. With so much of the world gaining access to western media (and the internet!) in the last few years, we should really expect an increase in wank as newly connected fans go through all the same stages that many of us went through a decade ago.
And thank you. I get rather tired of the 'Show is insane, it's the wo4rst possible fandom, i'm scared of it!!' crap. Bleh.
I am not super-duper 'into' fandoms, but i do remember some rather nasty stuff in HP and Buffy, too, when i first 'arrived'.
I luff Show, i have never really understood wank, and really just want to hang out and talk about BOYS. Damnit.
*waves cane*
*adjusts dentures*
Yes! This! Pass the prune juice!
Can I reserve a rocking chair on your porch? (We can sing the Rolling Stones "Hey, You, Get offa my Lawn".)
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