Yeah, maybe in a class with only a few people and you're a prof, you should mark the damned tests instead of giving it to TAs who obviously can't think outside of the box. Aka, if it ain't on the answer key, it ain't right. SHUT UP. That's right, shut the f up.
I'm kind of fed up with LJ's feeble system so go
Comments 1
In the last couple years you've had, oh let's say 17 blogs, and I can never remember URLs because they always change, and you're always switching to a new site where I have to piss around signing up if I want to leave comments.
And seriously man -- I don't like LJ -- I quit using LJ a long time ago -- I think the UI sucks balls (and having studied UI design I find this particularly bothersome), the people on it are all morons, and yeah -- it sucks.
However, I signed up for LJ (again) for the sole purpose of being able to leave non-anonymous comments in your blog. Now you probably don't care about this either way -- and most of my comments are either off topic or useless, but enough is enough.
I'm not signing up for anymore sites. And I'm not adding yet another blog site to my bookmarks, as it will only become obsolete in two months when you choose to switch to yet another site/service.
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