I'm A 16-Year Old Trapped In A Twentysomething Year Old's Body
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This music video was FANMADE. Pretty tight TBH.
So a few days ago, when I was helping my sister at work there were these two twelve or thirteen year old girls (who were working for free!! Child Labor huhuhu) and were really little darlings to work with. My friend who's a couple years younger than me agreed with my sister that I have the mind of a mature sixteen year old because I got along so well with the little ones -- and that we have the same musical taste. YEAH so what. I like Lady Gaga. I also like the Handsome Furs, Lana Del Rey, Broken Social Scene, and a shit ton of other artists. I just have a wide eclectic taste in music. I am however girl crazy like a teenage boy -- which my friends all know so yeah... I guess their accusation is legit. Meh.